Edit2: 10 Second Paralyze may be... Tough on the NPC's and the Player. Paralyze on strike for ANYTHING might be a little OP, perhaps altering the on-strike value for it? Is there a way to do that? And then have all Paralyze effects be on-use.
Tell me about it.

I wish it was a "slow" effect rather than pure paralysis, which is way too powerful in my opinion. I suppose I could replace it with a blind and sound effect to simulate loss of motor control? One thing I'm not clear on is the specifics of what happens with on-strike enchantments. For example, if my weapons has paralysis for 5 secs, I hit the victim and it is paralyzed. If I hit again within those 5 seconds: 1) does the enchantment fire? 2) is the effect applied again on-top of the current effect, or 3) does my newest strike's enchantment replace the current enchantment?
Edit3: Fortify Magicka should always be Fortify Maximum Magicka since you need to re-equip a weapon in vanilla morrowind in order to replenish the reserve it gives you. Ideally the MCP would fix this to cause Fortify Magicka to increase your maximum magicka by a set amount, but I don't see that happening. Nothing is wrong with using Fort Max on in-built enchantments that are CE, you can use a multiplier ~10-20% less than what would give you the original number at 100 Intelligent in order to make it a bit more fair. A sliding increase may feel OP but it's the only way to make the effect useful short of it being a restore magicka effect. I'm liking your enchantment changes overall though.
I didn't quite understand that, but I think I get the gist of it. Huh, fortify effects are pretty buggy, aren't they? I wish there was a fortify maximum health... hmm, isn't there a mod that makes fortify endurance affect max health 'in real time' (so to speak)? Maybe replacing fortify health with endurance and incorporating that type of mod would be a good solution.
Edit4: Iceblade of the monarch having a summon on strike is... strange. Have you considered doing some scripting to grant you a daily summon power? Or perhaps scripting to allow you to summon the atronach as you wish as long as you have the balde equipped or in your inventory? Admittedly there's the scripts in Tribunal which may cause a slight problem, but... Some of the armors would be cool to grant scripted effects I think.
I have no idea what I was thinking.

I just remember getting the Ice Blade for my knight, and being very unimpressed with it. Not only is it slow, and I can't use a shield, but the enchantment wasn't very impressive. 10 to 40 sounds good, but given the slow speed per attack, it doesn't seem like enough of a trade off for me to switch from a one-handed weapon.
edit5: I sure do make lots of edits, but I'll be summing stuff up later AFTER I finish my homework and have begun to play with the stat-values of items. Anyway, snow armor has a total frost resistance altogether of 113. Is there a way to max it out at 100% flat? I understand how you worked out values I think, but having such an uneven number just feels weird. Maybe if you were to alter the way the items are handed out to make it make sense (for instance make the gauntlets and pauldrons pairs each, where you get both after collecting a certain number of pelts to hand in) with a total resistance of 100%. Of course not ALL the weight of each item is from the pelts you hand in, buckles and such are used as well.
Wait, no, I included calculations for shields and tower shields. When you added them up, did you remember not to include either the shield or tower shield? :unsure: I'll look through the numbers again, but I thought I set things up well on the "Special" tab. I'm actually tempted to just forgo putting enchantments on these at all, and let the player put whatever they want on them.
Edit6: I dislike variable on equips because of the way the game handles the variability by default (it can never be the maximum when you equip it IIRC, though it may be that it can never be the minimum). Just a thought I had about the variable CE enchantments, you could just set it to the average and leave it at that. There seems to be a lot of health-regen among the unique and artifact armors, totaling somewhere in the 10-15 range I think, though I haven't counted it up. That's a lot of healing though admittedly the armors were pretty borked in the first place at times (ebony mail anyone?)
Yeah, I guess I went a little overboard there with the CE health. =/ Agreed on the variable on equip, I'll edit that to a constant number. Any suggestions for artifact armor enchantments? I was running out of ideas, especially since I'm limited by the lore (why are so many items resistant to fire?) and lack of scripts.
Edit7: Can I convince you to split the Fort Attack and Shield effects on the fists of randagulf between the two so that they mirror only on the attribute dimension? They're the only Artifact bracers I can think of so it won't really hurt. Another thought would be to give each HALF of the total bonus you want out of them (10 Attribue1, 10 Attribute2, 5 Attack, 10 Shield would be my preference). Just some alternative thoughts to make them more closely reflect each other, and make wearing the matched pair that much cooler. They're yet another interesting artifact that I'd like some kind of script attached to (when wearing both you get an effect of some sort), but that's beyond the purview or the IM mods I think.
Huh, that's a good idea, I like that. :nod: It's hard not to get the matched pair, since they are found in the game world as a pair. My thinking was that the left hand is the shield hand, and the right hand is the attacking hand. I like your idea, though, it makes sense to have the gauntlets mirror each other.
Edit8: I take it the element robes are simply mirrored through? So frost and shock use the same values? Double-checking to ensure consistency. I rather like having standardized 'stock' enchantments instead of everything being different. Also the brawler enchantment has no data entered.
Yeah, I just set it up for one element and assume it'll be the same for all three of them because the spell costs are the same. I try to make them standardized; the clothing was the hardest to standardize, simply 'cause there are just so many to keep track of. :wacko: I rather like how I set it up for the weapons and armor, though.

Edit9: I have a strong urge to make all paired items which use the same naming scheme into perfect mirrors of one another. Regardless, I'd consider changing Eltonbrand to a Shock enchantment simply to make it more viable in the BM expansion. Also I think the ring of Khajiiti makes more sense as a Cast when used enchantment with relatively little (or even no) cost and a ridiculous duration.
Could you elaborate on the first sentence?
I know, there are so many fire-damage items in Bloodmoon. And once you get Trueflame, what's the point of Goldbrand?

I have no answers... perhaps Goldbrand should get a general Damage Health instead of any elemental damage?
Edit10: Overall what you've got looks WELL in keeping of the vanilla items, and the history of the items you DID change. If you hadn't noticed the parts I point to are all areas which feel clunky to some extent, or are simply personal preference. Taken holistically it may be possible to achieve some scarily high Sanctuary and/or Restore Health values with the numbers you've provided, and while that isn't a VERY large problem combining it with the amount of resistance to magic and effects that morrowind has for even the most lightly warded mage it might get out of hand. SOME of the restore health enchantments might very well be turned into script-added spells (if possible) or perhaps the CE effects could be added and removed by script, I know that it's possible to create a global variable (a la Wraithguard's scripting) which is active only when wearing a specific object. Combine that wit ha global check for that variable... Hidden effects to items could get fun, however the scripts in tribunal may make that fairly clunky (the item would lose its special script after being put through the museum). I'm aware of limitations both in morrowind and yourself as a scripter, but perhaps we could try to get fliggerty's advice? Or another script-savvy modder that's around? It may be an excessive change from vanilla, but one well deserved by the artifacts.
I don't know how to script, and if I did include scripts, I'd want them to be fool-proof, 'cause I can't provide any support/bug-fixing on my own.

tl;dr : Your numbers look good, some straight out empirical testing in game may be required to ensure nothing is thoroughly broken, but considering the nature of morrowind and the relative 'luck' required in getting your most dangerous enchantments nothing seems to be beyond the bounds of reasonable values.
))Final Word(( I'm going to take a long hard look on your complete set of numbers, though I miss the original templating from AIM and WIM (it was so easy to scan...) But whether I miss it or not I love your work so I gotta do everything I can to make it better. From some basic scanning it looks like many of the setting are similar to (if not the same as) WIM and AIM so I doubt I'll find anything to really nitpick. On the other hand I could very well miss something. I still think Unarmored should get that boost to equalize with the Light/Medium/Heavy progression. I'll be happy to discuss what else needs looking at when next you're on. And forgive my immersion in RL, College is a harsh mistress.
College is rough. I'm only a part-time student this semester, but spring semester... yikes, I'll be taking four or five classes (depends if I drop one), two of which have lab components (Biology II and Environmental Science).
I wish there was a way to make Poison damage more... I dunno, more fearsome. I watched a nature show about various venoms, and man, that stuff is down-right scary! :cold:
Yeah, the original templating was easier, but when I started setting up the calculations, I needed each item property in its own tab 'cause I was doing so much for each property. I'd need to make, like, 3D or 4D tables to show everything all at once. D:
I'm not too picky about unarmored, actually. I intend to use the Dodge mod, which I think provides a good bonus for unarmored, without making unarmored way too powerful. Unarmored maxes out at, what, 60? That's still higher than glass armor AR.
Oh crap, I have to run to class now. :ahhh: