i dont want to waste a lvl up and was wondering what are all the items magazines, bobblehead ect that raise intelligince. whats the cap also
what all will bost intelligence so I can max my toon
i dont want to waste a lvl up and was wondering what are all the items magazines, bobblehead ect that raise intelligince. whats the cap also
what all will bost intelligence so I can max my toon
Bobblehead and SPECIAL book in your home in Sanctuary is two ways to level it up. I would start at 8 or 9.
Agree, start with 8, opens up great crafting perks and boosts xp.
You can use the Bobblehead to boost a stat from 10 to 11, SPECIAL book will only raise to 10. I've read that you can actually reach 12 by using a drug that lowers INT temporarily from 10 or 11 to 9 or less, then reading the SPECIAL book, then using Bobblehead, but have not tested that.
well if i boost my intelligince through levels to 9 then get the bobblehead i will have a 10, does that mean mi cant get the extra lvl cause i used the bobblehead to get from 9-10 instead of 10-11?
yep.. you can only get to 11 if you used the bobblehead AFTER you were already 10.
You do get extra bonuses if its 11 though, as far as I know. The base bonuses that extra special gives. Things like exp gained for int, carry weight for str, health for end
Yea, what darkdervish and Pupp said; imo, INT is the one to get over 10, but I'm not sure it's really worth the investment. I guess if you're focused on maxing every SPECIAL stat and getting all the perks, then the xp gain would be helpful.
That said, I should hit 11 INT tomorrow, right after I make level 30.
is intelligence used for anything else other then xp gain? besides levling and the bobblehead is there anything else that will boost int?
As detailed above, only leveling, bobbleheads and the SPECIAL book can raise SPECIAL stats, and then only to 11 if leveled to 10 before getting Bobblehead, possibly 12 with the aforementioned drug related skullduggery.
INT opens up a lot of useful crafting related perks, in addition to the xp boost.
There's a quest with a few Intelligence checks in it
intelligence also makes hacking easier the higher your intelligence.. the higher your int the less choices there are so less chance of being wrong. im at 11 int and charisma (started with 10 in both) and hacking is super easy since i have 5 guesses (thanks to bobblehead) and there are often only 5-6 choices so i dont even have to bother trying just keep clicking until i get it right lol.
it also gives you more choice resets/dud removes for hacking.. but its mostly useful for the exp gain.
From a min/max perspective, sure it's worth it.
From a pure gameplay view, not so much.
Int level 11 and charisma level 11 seem worth it to me.. i fail charisma checks less often with 11 (yes i have failed checks with 10) and gain a boost to hacking and exp with int 11.. so i think its worth it if you really like what that special stat offers anyways.
My current character started with INT at 5 then used three Perks to get it to 8. I'll then Bobblehead it to 9 (I used the You're S.P.E.C.I.A.L book to get my PER up as I wanted Sniper early on). That seems more than enough to me; getting it to 10 is only necessary if you want the Perk, and getting it to 11 just seems like a waste. Sure you'll get that bit more experience, but overall I find I'm better investing elswhere.