Tell me their will not be ground vehicles, that V.A.N.S. will just be a navigation system (GPS). That car though, that is a car with a vault boy driving or riding on top of it. Toy cartoony car or not, it is a vehicle.
Navigate through the wasteland with "technological ease" does fall under GPS, but that dang car though. Bethesda is that one company that will actually not spoil their entire game before it is released, you never know what surprises they are holding back from the players. I mean a humvee, I might be ok with, I loved the vehicles in Fallout Tactics, I mean it worked in that game in my opinion.
I just don't see a 4 wheel full sized ground vehicle being in the game, that would be a disaster, you'd get it stuck on everything and you can forget about trying drive through the city area.