TF2 doesn't have customization beyond a few weapon choices and hats
Brink doesn't have a Red v Blue color scheme (and TF2 didn't invent to colors red and blue, nor was it the first game to use them)
Name another game besides Mirror's Edge that has parkour, Wolfenstein had guns so CoD ripped that off. Plus S.M.A.R.T. is a mode of transportation to add a 3rd dimension to the combat to the game and remove the annoyance of getting caught on a 5 inch high curb, not the main focus.
You also said that Brink had bad graphics, then implied that CoD's graphics weren't terrible and didn't have color palette consisting of grays and browns.
Also the point of the story wasn't to have both sides be evil/totalitarian/terrorists, it was to have them both have gray morality, so that the player could decide which was more in the wrong. But let's face it, this is a multiplayer game through-and-through, story isn't a focus. With that said the backstory is extraordinarily good.
Thank you to you too! Yes, I was correct about the backstory after all...
Everything in this one is just so correct :3
I feel very thankful today, sorry ^^'
Rammite, I forgot, something just sounded very good about something that you said... TL;look for it :L
I wish I got some +1 :( Must have better proof >;o You have like a +140 from me by now ;o