» Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:06 am
I could be wrong, but I have a feeling that NPCs use the same disposition mechanic as NPC/Player interactions. In that case, the Personality of both NPCs comes into play, so two NPCs with low Personality will generally have negative reactions to one another (although they will keep engaging each other in conversation!) and two NPCs with high Personality will generally have positive reactions to one another. You will notice this if you pay attention to the dialogue they engage in while playing.
An NPC won't attack another NPC unless their Aggression is more than 5 points above their Disposition toward that actor. Setting an actor's Aggression to 5 will prevent them from initiating an attack on another actor, but they will still defend themselves. Setting an actor's Aggression to 0 will prevent them from defending themselves from an attack as well. You can add NPCs to a generic faction to raise their Disposition toward each other in general to avoid the possibility of violent conflicts even if you have their Aggression above 5. This is useful for creating NPCs that may attack the player, but that won't (in normal circumstances) attack other NPCs. I generally use community and family factions to account for this.
Faction reactions are actually the wrinkle in this formula. (Well, race reactions play a role, too, but they are static and can easily be accounted for.) The engine only uses the lowest faction reaction for calculating Disposition, so if you have an NPC in two factions, and one faction provides a + 10 bonus to other NPCs but the other provides a -10, the -10 faction reaction wins. In other words, they do not stack. If you are counting on faction reactions to adjust the Disposition of your NPC, you must account for this. It would be more consistent to adjust the NPC's Personality directly. That is, if NPCs use the same mechanic as NPC/Player interactions, which I suspect, but haven't tested.