He should open the really fancy embroidered double doors. That must be the personal quarters of someone important.
Before that ^, he should enjoy a drink or two of the spirits to settle his nerves, and then continue his adventure with what Darth suggested.
You know, anyone is free to name his scrib

((NOTE: At the end of this story is a conversation. Conversations can be suggested in a number of ways. The easiest would be to say "Vanas should have a polite/normal/blunt conversation." Another way would to say exactly what to say, as long as it's supported by an action afterwards. As well, the first option can have an action as well. And, of course, theres nothing stopping you from telling Vanas to kill the guy for no real reason, or to do something otherwise silly.))
Considering Vanas has no sprites on him, he ventures down to the wine cellar. The cramped room seems to be made of very old wood, and Vanas carefully watches his step in case he steps on brittle wood and falls down something. Vanas examines the bottles on the racks, gives them a quick turn, and takes the two most attractive looking bottles. The labels are too dirty to read fully, but they're red tinted bottles. Vanas uses his dagger to take the cork off one, and sits on the stairway to enjoy a sip or two to settle his nerves.
A few minutes later, feeling a tad bit tipsy but not enough to disorient him, Vanas emerges from the cellar. Seeing nothing has changed from the dining hall, Vanas moves down to the double doors. He grasps the handles and swings them open. He suddenly hears a gasp within the room, and once the candlelight from within gets to him, he notices a man standing inside. The room appears to be the bed quarters of whoever ruled this place, with a large double bed with fancy sheets, a closet with elegant designed clothes, and several other drawers. The man standing in the room appears to have a middle-class look to him, but he seems unarmed. It looks like a imperial with a tall stature, with a light beard and frightened look. Vanas looks around quickly, and notices something interesting. On top of one of the drawers next to the bed, is what appears to be an elegant longsword of elven design, with gems embroidered in it's hilt and blade containing several etchings as well. Suddenly the man begins to speak.
"Who in blazes are you?"STATUS:
Three health potions
five lockpicks
one unlit torch
a steel dagger
a satchel full of bread
a probe.
Aron's Journal copy of tablet
Written copy of N'Gasta! Kvata! Kvakis!
Copy of Riddle
Two Sides of the Coin
The Black Arrow, v 1
The Wolf Queen, v 2
Large Ruby
Two bottles of Wine
Leather: Boots, Greaves, Gloves
Steel: Cuirass
Silver Longsword
Scrib on Leashhttp://img204.imageshack.us/img204/1924/interactiveroleplaymap.png