Issues I've seen so far:
Huge black lines that look like really really bad jaggies. Some people hate it, some people don't care, I personally don't mind it but I can see how people would be bugged.
I can't tell if it's the game's net coding or if it's a framerate thing, but the game likes to run a little on the sluggish side at times.
The in-game server browser svcks. Why does it have to populate the server list both slowly and cause my game to sputter and freeze up until I get into a game? It almost reminds me of when they released Bad Company 2 with its horrid PC server browser. I hope they fix this.
The last thing that bugs me but seems the easiest to fix (and by fix I mean work itself out over time) is the fact that bots are in every server. The drop in and drop out system is nice and all, but I'd prefer entering all my games without bots.
Aside from the issues the gameplay is intense, it's pretty much what I paid for. Quake Wars/Enemy Territory with updated graphics and a SMART system. I just think the game could use some good fine-tuning and then it'll be a very awesome and solid shooter. The customization is fantastic too, but that's been covered plenty times over. Gunplay is strong but explosion sound effects seem like they're on the weak side (not enough oomph to it in my opinion) but overall it's fun as hell sliding everywhere and shooting people with powerful guns. But I think my quirk of the game is the whole being knocked down system where if someone melees you or throws a grenade at you, you have the ability to be knocked over. That's pretty damn neat, alongside the SMART system. Seems minor but it's pretty neat. Oh, it's also nice that they added lean to the game too, but to be honest, it seems sorta tacked on and weak... but hey, at least it's there!
And then I guess to finish this all with a random question: What exactly did they mean when they were boasting about the 45 ways you could die? Did they just mean scripted death animations? If so that's a bit on the lame side. But hey, you can't have everything.

Brink is a strong shooter with heavy team tactics, I think it's very solid but it definitely seems like it's a bit rough in its current state and could use some smoothing around the edges.
PS: I'm looking for some community input here and would like to know if any of you share my same views of the game or have a very differentiated opinion. Looking forward to it.