Interesting Glitch

Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:53 pm

So I was just messing around.

I went behind the Solitare Gas Station to look for something and back there, there are two crates with a little opening. I accidentaly jumped into it and got stuck.

So I went into 3rd person, and when you do that and the camera is really close your guy become sort of see through, not quite as much as a stealthboy, but close with some color.

So I decided to fast travel to get out while staying in thrid person, and when it loaded my guy remained see through, and I thought it was rather cool. I left the Divide to see if it still worked and it did, I changed between third and first person several times, and it remained. I also fast-traveled a few times and it remained.

So I thought "Awesome I'm going to be a ghost for the rest of the game, oooohhhh!" Then a powder ganger hit me for 0 damage.... and my normal colors returned.

Just thought to share as it looked cool when I did it. :)
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Lewis Morel
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