I think that only holds true if you play a very limited playstyle. If you actually like having options, there is quite a bit of utility being able to level past 50. For my own situation, now that my favored combat, armor, and crafting skills are either topped out or close to it, I'll start building my destruction magic to broaden my options in combat. You should never feel like you have to make a new character to enjoy different aspects of gameplay.
Homogenous. What you said in your post, you are going to end up making your character a generic spellsword. This will likely kill your urge to play the game again because you feel like you've already done it, even though playing as a wizard is dramatically different from just turning a warrior into a spellsword at the end-game. I know. I played a warrior who became a spellsword, and spamming 0 mana cost spells and powerleveling your magic schools =/= actually playing the game as a wizard while leveling. It is actually fairly fun and it doesn't just feel like grinding.
Also, you don't really need those options. Once you're level 50, that's pretty much the end of the road. There aren't any big bads left to fight. Sure, you can do it to make your character feel "complete", but it really isn't needed in the slightest. If anything, it is going to hurt you if/when the level cap is raised.