My Interesting New Characters

Post » Tue May 14, 2013 8:26 am

I just recently created two new characters that I thought I'd share with the community and get some feedback. One character is based on a comic book hero and the other has been completely made up by my imagination. I will start with the comic book hero first....

The Green Arrow-Oliver McQueen

I began the game by running with the imperial, either side really doesn't matter but the key is not fighting unless using your bare hands while you fight through the dungeon. Then once you get to the cave you make a dead run for the ext while not engaging the spiders or bear, I wanted to really start the game with nothing leveled. Once out I immediately made my way to Solitude where I simply began chopping firewood at the mill in Dragonbridge. This is where it gets tedious, but if you have the patience and time to just chop wood then you gain a lot of gold. After a while sell to the guy who runs the mill. Now go to Solitude and buy all the iron ingots and leather strips as possible and then travel by carriage (I am playing heavy RP so no fast traveling.) to Whiterun. There buy the same materials from the three blacksmiths there.

Then create as many iron daggers as possible and boost up your blacksmithing skill. I wanted this character to feel like he was a young blacksmith that became rich because he makes good weapons. (I even pretend that Oliver's business is named the Queen's Arms.) So now just keep boosting his blacksmith skill till he gets to 100. This is a tedious process but it makes you feel like this character is real. After a while you will have a lot of gold and a master skill in blacksmith.

While you are boosting the blacksmith skill I also began to go walking in the woods and collecting ingredients and learning their first properties. You can gain a lot of recipes if you just go exploring the countryside, remembering to refrain from violence or random encounters as you can. After you have done blacksmithing for a while now begin to work on your alchemy skill. I thought about the enchanting skill for like bows, but it then I concluded that it would be more realistic for the Green Arrow to use potions and poisons. So basically do the same process for alchemy that you did for blacksmithing till you get a high alchemy skill number.

Now after those two skills have been maxed or high enough I began the real "story" of the Green Arrow. So at this point my character is rich and owns a good business and he is "captured" by a group of bandits (Try finding lower ranked bandits so you can kill them with a longbow or your hands) who were going to ransom you off. But you escape and in the process you grab a bow and take a few out while escaping. Now my character decides to wear the green hood and clothes that he found off the dead prisoner he shared the pit with (the pit found by Whiterun where the dead elf is.) and make a glass bow and green arrows, and become a hero and fight for justice. This is where the Blacksmith skill comes in (I know there are other bows that have higher amounts of damage, but only use a glass bow.) to play. Make the glass bow legendary, so the most damage it will inflict. Also make several powerful poisons and invisibility potions.

When I played I have a house in Falkreath where it's hidden and out of view. This is the Arrow's hideout where all his weapons, potions, poisons, and costumes are hid. I am playing heavy RP so you have to return here to leave weapons and costume. That is where you make arrows an so forth. Once you leave you are now in noble clothes again because you are a rich nobleman. If I could I would buy a house in Solitude and have a wife and kids (For me I'm in the process of doing this.)


Blacksmith-100 (Stop at Glass Smithing)

Alchemy- 100(preferable) maxed out the skill tree.

Archery-100 maxed out skill tree.

Sneak-100 maxed out skill tree.

Totals a about 47 leveled character when fully done.


Glass Bow-Legendary

Glass Arrows

Mixture of poisons and potions (invisibility, stamina, health)

Orcish Dagger


Green Clothes

Green Hood

Light brown leather boots

Gauntlets with Archery enchant would be great. (Try to only stick with steel gauntlets with or without enchant.) I would have liked the thieves guild gauntlets to have archery enchant but oh well.

Well that is my character basically. I will post my other character later here!!

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Jeffrey Lawson
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 9:53 am

Have fun.
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