» Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:43 pm
Stable borders isn't that realistic, if you consider each province basically contains its own civilization, knit together by the bonds of empire politically, but not culturally. The borders might shift from time to time... but that would be as much the result of climate change as human volition.
It's a bit like how China's northern border wasn't exactly fixed at the Great Wall, but rather shifted north and south with the extension and receding of the arable land. (Similar border movement could be seen at Hadrian's Wall.) When the weather made land further north suited more to agriculture, the Chinese tended to grab the land, and the lands of the steppe barbarians would recede. When climate would reverse, and farmland would change to steppe, the northern border would recede with it.
I imagine the provincial borders of the Empire tend to move along similar lines. If you have a particularly cold century, the Nords are likely to conquer south a bit into Cyrodil. The Cyrodils return the favor whenever things warm up and lands to their north warm up to become more suited to Cyrodillic methods of cultivation, and less to Nordic methods. Likely the same is true to the south, the borders between Cyrodil, Black Marsh, and Elswyr. It's a question of to whom the land is worth most, which is most willing and able to shed blood to take or hold a particular piece of land, which is related to how much they expect to get out of it, which is related to how suited it happens to be to a particular group's methods of cultivation at the moment. I expect that provincial border changes would likely occur only at the margins, with the core areas, even if politically dominated by one group or another (whoever happens to hold the throne at the moment), mostly controlled by the people that belong to that province.