Interesting Way to Train Magic (What a Night)

Post » Sat Sep 13, 2014 6:33 pm

*WARNING: Long post, but hopefully it is worth a read*

Tonight, I got bored going through dungeons and was about to go hiatus on Skyrim again. Then I noticed my magic skill for my weapons conjurer was low on Alteration, Restoration and Destruction. Since her enchanting was maxed (she was around level 53 overall) I decided to turn her Hearthfire home cellar's area into a mage training ground. Also her conjuration was in the mid 80s and already got every bound weapon/bound creature in her arsenal (also already nearly perked out in this skill, except beyond Mystic Bound stem, Necromancy stem, Twin Soul and Master perk) and Illusion was around 70 I decided to train up Restoration (already found Repel Lesser Undead spell) and Destruction (Icy Spear spell through loot or from that ghost in Soul Cairn forgot which one), and my boredom turned into fun.

First off Restoration. I decided to use the only option, summon Boneman, since Repel Lesser Undead only works for this creature. Let the grinding begin. About 30 minutes of chasing the poor thing/re-summoning Boneman around, my Restoration skill reached level 70 and headed over to the College and obtain Repel Undead from Colette. Got it, returned back to the cellar and summoned/re-summoned Mistman and not long after Restoration reached 100. Cool. *Conjuration was in the upper 80s at this time*.

Next comes Destruction. Best option is summon Wrathman to pelt the poor being with Icy Spears (Undead can handle frost spells better than most other creatures, not named Frost Atronach). It took a mere 20 or so minutes and Destruction was already around 90 where I decided to get to head back to the College to get Incinerate from Feralda (sp?). Went back to the cellar and decided to summon Dremora Lord with Incinerate which did not take long to get Destruction to 100. Great, but Conjuration was only in the low 90s at that time. Took about 30 minutes to get that skilled maxed by using summon Dremora Lord and dual wielding Bound Swords. Beyond this point I focused on Alteration (with Telekinesis) and Illusion (with Muffle) to get both of them to 100.

Before anyone asks, I had a set of enchantments for Destruction/Restoration and Illusion/Alteration, NOT Conjuration (again her major skill that was basically perked out well). Since her Illusion is now maxed out with the tree heavily invested and since there is no Arena like in Oblivion and even Morrowind, I decided the cellar becomes one. As my player became a spectator at this point, for about 3 hours, and with Twin Souls unlocked, I was able summon two creatures. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, WELCOME TO THE ARENA! I am telling you if you have the patience to grind the magical skills to maxed levels and just want entertainment, then let lose the beasts in the comfort of your PC's home. Only side effect was the loose clutter in the cellar was flying between the combatants and having to dual cast Frenzy about 4 times to get them going, but man that was entertaining. Through it all, surprising, the winning beast was The Potent Storm Atronach as it demolished the Dremora Lord somehow. Thrid place went to Potent Frost Atronach that defeated Wrathman (another surprise). The pariah was the Familiar :( Overall, WHAT A NIGHT!

*I hope no one fell asleep through this tl;dr post, but just want to share my experience with everyone on this one, especially those that want to continue Skyrim, but have "Game Playing Block" *

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