4 menu options appear on the points of a cross in the center of the screen.
-UP brings you to a completely different menu with star constellations as your skill trees. Which is cool.
-DOWN is also a separate menu with a cool 3d interactive map. Which is awesome.
-LEFT is the magic menu which appears on the very RIGHT side of the screen. HUH?
-Right is the inventory menu which appears on the very LEFT side of the screen. HUH!?
This makes absolutely no sense. Most of all.. you have to completely exit all of the menus to go into any other menu. Who ever thought of this UI is Well, lets just say they need to find another position in the company. It irks me to think Bethesda actually said they would give the PC its own interface. I guess that just means they would put a mouse pointer in it. Which doesn't work half the time either. Also don't get me started about binding keys to the mouse. Using the side mouse buttons or right and left click on anything that inst default is a pain in the ass because they are bound for you without the ability to unbind them in the UI! For instance, try using activate for mouse 4 (side button) you wont be able to pick up a book.
Other then this major annoyance, I LOVE SKYRIM! Thank you bethesda for on otherwise perfect game!