Except the game will often get confused between what you had previous selected with a mouse (or what option your mouse was just vaguely near when the conversation started) and what you are selecting with the keyboard.
If you think you can get through a series of fights against different enemies using only eight spells then you've not tried playing as a pure spell caster. Eight is enough for a warrior, but as there is a occasional bug where switching between hotkeyed items loses the hotkey binding on the item you are switching from you still ahve to go favourites far more often then you should have. Even when it is working perfectly the ability to hotkey weapons and spell sets (bind both hands to a single key) would of been a far more sensible system, but there is very little sensible about the UI it's all graphics over function exactly as I expected after hearing about the new system. Apple might be able to make a good looking and functional UI but Bethesda were never going to manage it, for one thing it would require masses of testing :wink_smile:.