Interface is a deal-breaker on PC

Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:51 pm

The UI needs work.

I don't care if you can maneuver the UI with your left hand only. Might come in handy with nvde mods but for those who want to use a mouse it makes no sense to be able to click on some words and the mouse works and not on others. Also the hot keys not working sometimes is a big deal.

Get a tougher skin people just because the UI is step backwards from any other PC game doesn't mean Skyrim is a bad game. It's one of the best games I have ever played but dayum Bethesda that UI.. makes me :sadvaultboy:
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Joe Alvarado
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:56 pm

Haha, a chest with every book in the game is indeed a problem! Beth can definitely tweak the UI to be a bit better, but it's fine overall. I find it funny that people demand things to be so tailored to their own habits from previous games.

Yes, people complain about everything. Just because you notice something like "organizing every book in a chest" is not presented in the best manner doesn't mean it should be adressed. I would guess that less than .5% of players will ever have more than 20 books in a chest if ANY at all.

It's called ROI and in the real world with money and deadlines you can't make every 12 year old's idea. You choose the ones that are necessary to get the game shipped and money in your pocket.

The only complaint with the UI I have is that there is no unified location for your player's stats including skills, gear, and potion buffs. I would like to see my total plus damage with bows, etc.
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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:19 am

Yes, people complain about everything. Just because you notice something like "organizing every book in a chest" is not presented in the best manner doesn't mean it should be adressed. I would guess that less than .5% of players will ever have more than 20 books in a chest if ANY at all.

It's called ROI and in the real world with money and deadlines you can't make every 12 year old's idea. You choose the ones that are necessary to get the game shipped and money in your pocket.

The only complaint with the UI I have is that there is no unified location for your player's stats including skills, gear, and potion buffs. I would like to see my total plus damage with bows, etc.


You think that sorting shouldn't be a function of the UI and not be included or worked on?

Oh man, thanks for the laugh.
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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:24 am

for those who want to use a mouse it makes no sense to be able to click on some words and the mouse works and not on others. Also the hot keys not working sometimes is a big deal.

The mouse is able to click on any word in the game.

The hot keys work very predictably, all the time.

Stop being bad.

Get a tougher skin people just because the UI is step backwards from any other PC game doesn't mean Skyrim is a bad game.

There's one (1) bug in the UI mouse-over selection. That's a far cry from the UI being a "step backwards".
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Brandon Bernardi
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:44 pm


You think that sorting should be a function of the UI that should not either be included or worked on?

Oh man, thanks for the laugh.

There is sorting, weapons, apparel, potions, etc...

There isn't second tier sorting for "books".

My mind is blown that someone would collect the books in the game anyway and then want to RETURN to them and organize them. I got an awesome game for you, its called WINDOWS EXPLORER.
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:41 pm

It's got it's problems but it's not that bad. Hotkeys are a main issue with me, I've only got 8 on the keyboard, why?? Why not just make 12?? You're not using the 9, 0, -/_ or +/= keys!! Why wouldn't we bind those?! That's stupid.

So when I connect my Xbox controller to my PC... I only get 2 hotkeys?? My mouse and keyboard become inaccable. I love the idea of using the controller, but wtf? The UI transfers into console UI. It's identical. So yes, both UI's, PC and console need a revamp.

Only problem I have with PC UI, besides the hotkeys (not to mention the bug where sometimes dual wielding only shows one hand) is the dialogue interface and inventory interface. Sometimes I can't click on an option, and I have to click two or 3 times and I end up selecting the option above it or below. It feels broke, and it's because the PC UI is "consolized". Bethesda needs to fix this.

Also fix storage containers to allow you to sort items.
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Richard Thompson
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:29 pm

Eh I don't find it clunky for conversations... just use the keyboard. W,S to move between options, E to select and tab to quit.

Yeah that works great until you hit S to go down and it skips a line, then you hit W to go up and it again skips the line. So now you hover your mouse over the line and click... and instead of actually hitting the dialogue you clicked on it hits the one that was selected.


The interface is terrible, with a few tweaks to fix what appear to be hasty bugs it would be decent. It's not a dealbreaker though, it's still usable.
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Roberto Gaeta
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:38 pm

There is sorting, weapons, apparel, potions, etc...

There isn't second tier sorting for "books".

My mind is blown that someone would collect the books in the game anyway and then want to RETURN to them and organize them. I got an awesome game for you, its called WINDOWS EXPLORER.

I really don't get why there would be any pushback on something like this. Its sorting. This is ancient stuff here.

Here, I'll spell it out for you again.

Abecean Longfin
Bear Claws
Beehive Husk
Bleeding Crown
Blue Butterfly Wing
Blue Dartwing
Blue Mountain Flower
Bone Meal
Briar Heart
Butterfly Wing
Canis Root
Charred Skeever Hide
Chaurus Eggs
Chicken's Egg
Creep Cluster
Crimson Nirnroot
Cyrodilic Spadetail
Daedra Heart (Skyrim)
Dragon's Tongue (Skyrim)
Dwarven Oil
Ectoplasm (Skyrim)
Elves Ear
Eye of Sabre Cat
Falmer Ear
Fire Salts (Skyrim)
Fly Amanita (Skyrim)
Frost Mirriam
Frost Salts (Skyrim)
Garlic (Skyrim)
Giant Lichen
Giant's Toe
Glow Dust (Skyrim)
Glowing Mushroom
Grass Pod
Hagraven Claw
Hagraven Feathers
Hanging Moss
Hawk Beak
Hawk Feathers
Human Flesh (Skyrim)
Human Heart (Skyrim)
Ice Wraith Teeth
Imp Stool
Jarrin Root
Jazbay Graqes
Juniper Berries
Large Antlers
Lavender (Skyrim)
Luna Moth Wing
Mora Tapinella
Mudcrab Chitin
Namira's Rot
Nightshade (Skyrim)
Nirnroot (Skyrim)
Nordic Barnacle
Orange Dartwing
Pearl (Skyrim)
Pine Thrush Egg
Powdered Mammoth Tusk
Purple Mountain Flower
Red Mountain Flower
River Betty
Rock Warbler Egg
Sabre Cat Tooth
Salt Pile
Scaly Pholiota
Silverside Perch
Skeever Tail
Slaughterfish Egg
Slaughterfish Scales
Small Antlers
Small Pearl
Spriggan Sap
Swamp Fungal Pod
Taproot (Skyrim)
Thistle Branch
Torchbug Thorax
Troll Fat (Skyrim)
Tundra Cotton
Vampire Dust (Skyrim)
Void Salts (Skyrim)
White Cap
Wisp Wrappings

Those are the ingredients for alchemy in the game. If I want to get to Wisp Wrappings, I have to scroll to the bottom. This is a PC interface. Its mind boggling that I would have to do that on a PC interface. But I'm actually ok with it because I know people are going to fix it and I don't mind spending the extra time it takes to get there that much.
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Kelly Osbourne Kelly
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:12 am

My 2c
I have played all TES games. Skyrim's PC interface for me is awkward, impedes gameplay, needs improvement. I hope it is modified.
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Jordyn Youngman
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:19 am

There is sorting, weapons, apparel, potions, etc...

There isn't second tier sorting for "books".

My mind is blown that someone would collect the books in the game anyway and then want to RETURN to them and organize them. I got an awesome game for you, its called WINDOWS EXPLORER.

...why even bother posting this? sorting things is a pretty commonplace function of lists in nearly any application you might use. There are more handy uses to 2nd tier sorting, like finding heavy items in your inventory or high value items.

the thing is that if the UI had these capacities you could very merrily still keep on playing the way you want to, but without these many simply CANT play the game how they like to - but you are somehow ominiscient enough to determine for everyone what is best and we are all whiners.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:01 am

Yes they are ORGANIZED or SORTED by what potion they make. Alphabetically organizing the ingredients section is pointless.

I agree with organizing weapons and apparel that way but I have all my weapons hot keyed and it's not like you have 50 weapons at one time. Listing "new" items you pick up at the top would be useful. I have had to scroll through and look for a weapon I just picked up but I would hardly say these are "deal breaking"

Deal breaking is Rage not working on my PC for 3 weeks after launch until I spend 2 hours messing with files.

I am just saying if these things bug you then good luck playing any other PC game. I assume you aren't playing MW3 right now, LOL.
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Emma Copeland
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:31 am

I think the worst part for me is that I have this chest. This chest has 3 million collected books. There is no way to sort the books. The only way to get to the book at the bottom is to scroll through every book in the game.

Pretty crazy if you ask me.

The worst part is, that chest of books..... you hit R to put a single book into it. But if you forget and hit R when you're looking at the chest contents, you take ALL of them.

Having the same command, be so inconsistent, within the same small area of UI (the container interface) is an example of poor planning.

...but I still stand by my statement that the interface is just a little bad. Not "horribly broken" or any of the other hyperbolic things some people have been throwing around. :tongue:
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:56 am

The worst part is, that chest of books..... you hit R to put a single book into it. But if you forget and hit R when you're looking at the chest contents, you take ALL of them.

Having the same command, be so inconistent, within the same small area of UI (the container interface) is an example of poor planning.

There was the same issue in the Fallout games.
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Andrew Tarango
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:25 am

Yes they are ORGANIZED or SORTED by what potion they make. Alphabetically organizing the ingredients section is pointless.

I agree with organizing weapons and apparel that way but I have all my weapons hot keyed and it's not like you have 50 weapons at one time. Listing "new" items you pick up at the top would be useful. I have had to scroll through and look for a weapon I just picked up but I would hardly say these are "deal breaking"

Deal breaking is Rage not working on my PC for 3 weeks after launch until I spend 2 hours messing with files.

I am just saying if these things bug you then good luck playing any other PC game. I assume you aren't playing MW3 right now, LOL.


I didn't say it was deal breaking. I actually said the opposite. I said it didn't bother me that much since its going to be fixed.

Believe it or not, you don't ONLY look at alchemy items while doing alchemy. Sometimes you are actually curious to know how much of a particular item you have without looking at an alchemy table.

But, to express my point again so that you can MAYBE understand, this is the list of alchemy effects:

Cure Disease
Damage Health
Damage Magicka
Damage Magicka Regen
Damage Stamina
Damage Stamina Regen
Fortify Alteration
Fortify Barter
Fortify Block
Fortify Carry Weight
Fortify Conjuration
Fortify Destruction
Fortify Enchanting
Fortify Health
Fortify Heavy Armor
Fortify Illusion
Fortify Light Armor
Fortify Lockpicking
Fortify Magicka
Fortify Marksman
Fortify One-Handed
Fortify Pickpocket
Fortify Restoration
Fortify Smithing
Fortify Sneak
Fortify Stamina
Fortify Two-handed
Lingering Damage Health
Lingering Damage Magicka
Lingering Damage Stamina
Ravage Health
Ravage Magicka
Regenerate Health
Regenerate Magicka
Regenerate Stamina
Resist Fire
Resist Frost
Resist Magic
Resist Poison
Resist Shock
Restore Health
Restore Magicka
Restore Stamina
Weakness to Fire
Weakness to Frost
Weakness to Magic
Weakness to Poison
Weakness to Shock
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sally coker
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:10 am

...but I still stand by my statement that the interface is just a little bad. Not "horribly broken" or any of the other hyperbolic things some people have been throwing around. :tongue:

Nothing is as bad as some people on the internet would have us believe :hehe:
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:18 pm

I have 2 main UI complaints, and one tertiary.

1: the perk selection screen. Yes the star constellation looks neat. Navigating it svcks, ide rather a flat flowchart view that's easily navigable.

2: Half the time when I click "Misc" in vendor menus, it ends the conversation, no im not mis-clicking, ive literally hovered my mouse over the word MISC, watched it highlight, not moved my mouse a single mm and waiting a few second, click and bam, out of the vendor UI. Frustrating as all hell.

Ive noticed a similar bug occur while navigating menus, when your mouse cursor no longer highlights selections, clicking anywhere on the screen will select the "Perm-Highlighted" menu item until you tab out of the menu to reset the UI, also frustrating.

EDIT: Mistyped words.
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:38 am

If you are periodically checking the amount of alchemy ingredients you have, yet, have no desire to create a potion then you are wayyyyy to into RP. What is your menu to game ratio? I go to a place, kill everything, take treasure and sell it. On the hardest difficulty I have not had a single instance where I absolutely HAD to use a potion let alone walk around the world collecting ingredients that I am low on. I think you are expecting a different kind of game, this is an ACTION RPG not a kindle to organize your books and ingredients.
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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:32 am

If you are periodically checking the amount of alchemy ingredients you have, yet, have no desire to create a potion then you are wayyyyy to into RP. What is your menu to game ratio? I go to a place, kill everything, take treasure and sell it. On the hardest difficulty I have not had a single instance where I absolutely HAD to use a potion let alone walk around the world collecting ingredients that I am low on. I think you are expecting a different kind of game, this is an ACTION RPG not a kindle to organize your books and ingredients.


Oh man. Why even bother?

Edit: I will bother one last time.

The point is that I want to stay in my menus as little time as possible so that I can play my open world action RPG. Sorting and doing many other things a lot differently for the PC UI is a way to accomplish this. I WANT TO PLAY THE GAME NOT THE MENUS. You are actually just providing more substance to MY argument.

But for whatever reason, you are unable to see something that is right in front of you.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:10 am

The UI could use some work and frankly the HOTKEY bug needs a fix ASAP (but PC is now the red-headed step child, so I'm not holding my breath), but the UI itself is NOT a "deal-breaker" or the "worst UI in decades". It's different and takes some getting used to, but not horrificly broken as some here want everyone to agree on. You certainly have the right to hate it and have an opinion about the UI, but your opinion is not something everyone has to accept as a fact.
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sally coker
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:07 pm


Oh man. Why even bother?


To each their own, but come on that kindle reference was kinda lol.
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Monika Krzyzak
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:37 am

There was the same issue in the Fallout games.

Of course, in Fallout you could just click on items in your pack and in the container, to transfer them individually.

In Skyrim, you can click on chest contents to take them... but clicking on stuff in your pack either equips it (for weapons and armor) or uses it (potions, ingredients). Yes, I've lost a good number of decent potions, trying to put them in boxes.

Needless to say, the container interface is the top of my list of "gee, that part of the UI could be better." :)
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Benjamin Holz
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:22 am

The UI may need some work for PC but it's certainly not a 'deal breaker'. It's really not that hard to get used to.

Still a major issue for me.

It's not a deal breaker but it's been a frustration the entire time. Lack of reasonable key mapping capabilities especially, and then there's the perk screen which is the worst part of any PC UI I think I've ever had to suffer with in quite some time.
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Annika Marziniak
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:29 am

I find myself wondering something. Were the devs at Bethesda somehow blindsided by the way the PC community has reacted to the UI? Did they not expect such a negative reaction? Or did they know how bad it was, and how we'd react, and shipped it anyways, not caring?
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Baby K(:
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:56 am

Ui is superb.

I don't ordinarly discredit someone elses opinion, but seriously, if thats not a troll post than its just stupid sending the wrong message to the developer. The UI might be passable... or usable to some, but to claim it has any positive aspects at all is just outragous. To save face I would suggest you delete your post.
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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:18 am

I find myself wondering something. Were the devs at Bethesda somehow blindsided by the way the PC community has reacted to the UI? Did they not expect such a negative reaction? Or did they know how bad it was, and how we'd react, and shipped it anyways, not caring?

They made the UI with the idea that someone would be using a controller to navigate it. I think that they did a pretty good job for a controller.

I can only assume that they ran out of time or put a better UI for the PC on a very low priority list. They basically just bound some keys to the console UI and shipped.

I guess this means they didn't think people would care as much as they do. They thought people would gel with it a bit better than they did.

I don't really think its that horrible considering it was made specifically for a controller. But I will mod it out the second someone comes up with a nice PC friendly one.
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