by Alaisiagae, Anonymous, Hrnchamd, Knots, Marbred, Papill6n, Sir ?ob, & Vurt. Compiled by Knots.
http://img821.imageshack.us/img821/1271/menu1f.jpg, http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/8594/menu2eb.jpg
-A dark red leather pattern for all modules, with a main menu intro to match
-A high resolution replacement for the original font
-A new crosshair modeled after TES4's
-A smaller/cleaner player posistion marker for the map and minimap
-High resolution replacements for the journal, books, and scrolls
-Crisper textures for every icon in the game
-Less busy enchantment icon indicators
This is a compilation that includes most (if not all) of the more popular interface enhancements created for Bethesda's the Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. It represents nearly a decade of incredible work from the MW modding community, a group of gifted individuals I feel fortunate to have shared a corner of the internet with. With the included mods applied, every aspect of Morrowind's interface gets a facelift!
Some of the changes made I realize are subjective. If you don't like the dark red leather background of this version, you may prefer the version of this mod with only the basic changes, called "ALT"
This is the third of several packs in a series called "Unification Compilation". You can follow my progress on the various packs http://www.somethingfornobody.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=95. For a complete overhaul of the game's presentation, I recommend following my http://www.somethingfornobody.com/2011/morrowind-modding-guide/, which is written with UC in mind.
You can find a complete list of credits http://pastebin.com/djDiYkMY. If you would like to read the complete Readme, it can be found http://pastebin.com/21JZTAbg.
Always the most up-to-date version
Rate it up for me? :3
Coming soon
-Create splash screens for both versions that showcase guide results