Hey, I'm having a problem creating an interior cell in the creation kit. Figured I might find an answer here.
I'm using Blackreach wall pieces (corners, straight walls, etc.) to create a large cave. I finished placing the walls all around the cave, and it looks just fine in the creation kit. However, when I load up the mod in-game and enter the cave, it looks like a lot of the wall pieces are right in front of my character and they block me from going further into the cave (basically, they are spawning at the entrance instead of being in the place they are in the creation kit).
When I used the free flying camera, I did indeed see that most of the wall pieces were missing in the place where they are supposed to be, and are just appearing right in front of the cave entrance.
So, my question is: why aren't these walls in their place and why are they spawning in front of the entrance? Are there too many of the same object, is there something I don't know about (interior) cells that limits how big you can make a cave?
Hoping to find an answer here. Thanks in advance!