Anyhoo, I'm doing a few mods that clean up certain areas, my current work is The Capitol Building. If you look for the CB interiors in GECK you'll find 4 different
cells - two of which are actually (nearly) the same area (1) CapitolBuilding01 and (2) CapitolBuilding01b - looking at them in more detail there are sections that are duplicated in both cells, but for some reason the author has decided to split up the area into two cells. Can anyone give me a reason for this, perhaps memory/system strain for the end user? Something like that? Or perhaps he did it purely for his own ease of following the layout. If you check the first pic below you'll see that I've placed 01 and 01b in the same cell to show the duplicated areas. In picture two you'll see that I've done a rudimentary connection
between the two cells, now obviously in the one cell (which means I'll have to sort out door teleports later, from the outside world etc.
So, to sum anything wrong with this plan of action, tell me now before I continue please!