Do you add an interior to the bus in mason square that has this vanilla FormID: 00077a99 ... and another one with this number 0005ce98
Edit shows it overlapping with the latest busworld and before I go report that I guess I should see if you altered that bus and how.
I didn't add any interiors to the buses, I'll check to see if I accidentally moved them or, changed them in any way.
Also the door out of Hubris comics in Mason Square seems to be only one way: out. Once in Mason Square cannot re-enter Hubris comics. Freeing the prisoner after killing oh about 20 super mutants plus a talon team (without being able to duck back inside the comics building mind you) the prisoner then ran toward the comics door and just stood there unable to go further.
From the donut shop I look out the window and see what looks to be a wasteland prisoner standing there - I thought there was going to be no people outside when you are inside. Kinda creepy.
This is strange, Hubris comics, worked when I tested it but, I'll go back to see if I've broken it in any way. Something my have messed up during the Merge process. You can sometimes get strange results when using FO3 plugin, I've seen map markers get moved and, other minor issues, this may have messed up the door.
Hey CevSteel - any news? I don't mean to pressure, but I am anxious for the new mod to come out

No pressure, I'm very close to my release. Yesterday, I was doing a final round of testing and, found one cell that I thought was finished missing some clutter and, navemesh. At this point all 11 building are completely finished and, tested.
You'll find,
Jury Street station,
Two Abandoned Houses,
North West Senica,
A Cuppa Joe,
The Dog House, Hotel,
Liberty Pawn,
The Sheperds Hand, clinic,
Arkansas's, safehouse,
one small ranch home,
Warrington Station,
Classic auto,
Two, Abandoned Houses,
I have some notes to finish, I ran into a little writers block last night and, just couldn't force my way through to finish. Everything I tried to wright was just bad, I'm going to try to refign my ideas tonight and, hopefully get it done.
I'm also going to look into the issues Psymon, noticed. Not being able to enter Hubris Comics is a big bug to me. :brokencomputer: