as for the diner, I never really thought anyone would be obsessed with collecting bottles. I used them as generic clutter.
I also collect empty bottles. Thanks to FWE. To refill in the river or my super-clean sink at home. I currently have just over 200 bottles of purified water in my fridge. I guess I'm a Purified Water Dealer

Most clutter items I use at the workbench to Craft other things. Personally, I love the cluttered buildings in Seward Square. I usually hoover up everything not bolted down, then the clutter I really don't want (burnt books, lamps, telephones, typewriters, etc) I stuff in a cabinet/desk/oven on my way out. Don't laugh! :laugh:
Also if I go through the area again it helps to remember where I've been, as I don't think places like Victoria's Little Secret and the Vault Tec Registration building, for example, ever respawn. Unless I'm just not staying away long enough :shrug:
The Sugarbomb Factory...well, thanks to a little retexture of that item, for me it'll be the Uncle Toby's Oats & Honey factory on the inside :lmao:
Anyway, this is one of my favourite mods, so am looking forward to updates