Cool, I love reading interviews.

WO: What are your thoughts on New Vegas' DLCs in terms of what they've each offered, along with your opinion of how they've added to the vanilla release?
The goal with the DLC was to create four totally unique expanded experiences for the game, and in that regard I think they’ve all been really successful. One of the big complaints people have with expansions is that they’re too similar to the base game, so it’s really to Obsidian’s credit that they have created such interesting and different add-ons. I also find it interesting to read which ones are people’s favorites, because they are all so different from each other, from a gameplay and storytelling standpoint.
Personally, I enjoy them all. I think Honest Hearts has the best environment, Lonesome Road the best weapons, Dead Money the most intense gameplay, and Old World Blues the best characters. And the perks and weapons all carry over to the main game (not to mention the increased level cap), which is cool. Also, there’s a decision in Lonesome Road that affects part of the Mojave wasteland when you’re done with the quest. That’s really fun to play with.
I cannot agree with this overall sentiment more. I love each of the DLCs so far specifically because they have been so unique and different from the main game, and more importantly, from each other. While they are smaller in scale from a full expansion, the variety and different unique elements each DLC could explore instead of just being "more" of the main game, made it all worthwhile. Unfortunately I cannot speak for Lonesome Road, since *cough* none of us can play it yet, but for me personally I'll say Dead Money has the best characters and story, Honest Hearts has the best environment, and Old World Blues has the best gameplay.