What would happen if your character was interviewed? (doesn't have to be your Skyrim character, you might be using the same character as in Morrowind or Oblivion, like me)
The Interview can be at any point during his/her life (before Dragonborn, hell even before Morrowind if you want). You can make up the questions and answers yourself.
Please put your interviews in SPOILER TAGS so there isn't a huge amount of scrolling.
Have fun.
*My character is being interviewed as a Master of the Tribunal Temple in Morrowind, while on his way to the silt-strider port in Vivec.
Tell us a bit about yourself.
"Well. I was born in Almalexia in 3E 293. My mother took me to a small village out in the country when I was 2 years old. I lived there and became a member of the Temple at the age of 8. My mother died when I was 17, and an Acolyte of the Temple. I moved to Almalexia and continued my Temple life. At 24, I was a Diciple in the Temple and became an Ordinator. I was an Ordinator for 8 years before quitting. A year after working in the Mournhold Temple, I was invited to stay with Prince Helseth. I stayed in his manor outside the city until he became King last year. I then moved to Vivec City and worked for the Temple."
What do you think your chances of becoming Patriarch are?
"Well, I think that Archcanon Saryoni is quite capable of leading the Temple for many more years. But I... I really can't say much about that.
Some say you are good friends with King Helseth, can you elaborate?
His majesty and I are good friends. I still write to him and he replies. I do intend on paying him a visit in the next few months. But, if you'll excuse me, I must be off now.