[WIPz] Into Oblivion

Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 8:44 am

Just finished working on the hall of despair.

the hall of despair is a small shrine to Mehrunes Dagon in the Oblivion plane. It houses a couple of dreamora and a dreamora lord, plus the odd scamp. So a bit of a challenge:

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Elisabete Gaspar
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Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 10:42 am

Looking good!
The roots growing next to the statue is a little strange, just looks a little wierd coming out of the floor like that, but the exterior, wow, it looks amazing so far!
Perhaps a dirt mound mesh could be placed underneath the roots, idk.

About the Daedric Gate, I agree with the others, I guess it should use existing textures really.
However, if you want to keep the daedric runes, you could always have them in a seperate layer (decal,detail or glow).
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[ becca ]
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Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 2:16 am

Looking good!
The roots growing next to the statue is a little strange, just looks a little wierd coming out of the floor like that, but the exterior, wow, it looks amazing so far!
Perhaps a dirt mound mesh could be placed underneath the roots, idk.

About the Daedric Gate, I agree with the others, I guess it should use existing textures really.
However, if you want to keep the daedric runes, you could always have them in a seperate layer (decal,detail or glow).


yeah i will add a couple of rocks/mound of earth for the roots :)

I have been working on the "cave", its now offically called "The Mire of Ash".
Inspired by the "giant animal bone" idea I came up with a little something :D - The layout is all complete it just needs detailing.
Heres some screenshots of The Mire of Ash:

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Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 7:52 am

some more screenies:
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Mr. Ray
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Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 10:19 am


did you know I am working (among the other things) on a Mehrunes Dagon creature?
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Melanie Steinberg
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Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:44 am

Love that skeleton bridge. :)
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Emilie M
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Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 11:58 am

Well you need an http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w152/Wolfsbane_89/TESConstructionSet2010-04-2317-06-3.jpg in order to close one :D

Don't change that gate. :nod:

I had thought about this, but then i decided not to - mainly because i want to keep it seprate form the main quest essential journals, refrences and NPCs. This is my first "major attempt" at a quest mod so i dont want to mess anything up in the CS and end up accidently breaking the main quest or causing Dagoth Ur to be Azura's secret lover ( or something crazy like that )

Also i have changed my mind about the imperial rank. You will now have to be Rank 5 in the imperial legion to obtain the quest that points you towards oblivion.

I agree with you. :thumbsup:

I have just re-textured a robe red and a hood to match to give some resembalance to the mythic dawn cult. I Have also create 3 new NPC's that will act as mythic dawn memebers ( yes generic memebers, they have no specific name) They are:

Mythic Dawn Adept (type 1)- lvl 25, These are the foot soldiers
Mythic Dawn Adept (type 2) - lvl 25, Same as Type 1 but with more spells (espically ranged spells)
Mythic Dawn Agent - lvl 35, Type one and two combined with a few extras

I think the "Mythic Dawn Mage Adept" would be a more proper name for the spellcasting NPC you have added. The rest is okay with me. :)

Love that skeleton bridge. :)

Me too. :goodjob:

In the vanilla the are 3 types of bridges (wooden, mountain & dwemer) and now this "bone" bridge. WOW :clap:
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Daddy Cool!
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Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 1:49 am

I suggest making most of the Mythic Dawn Agents Altmer/Dunmer, since most Dawn agents were Altmer in Oblivion IIRC.
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Sabrina Schwarz
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Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 3:05 am

I suggest making most of the Mythic Dawn Agents Altmer/Dunmer, since most Dawn agents were Altmer in Oblivion IIRC.

I thought they were mosty imperial???

As for the bone bridge - Its made up of container corpses :D - so its lootable too...... but theres some many you'd be standing there forver ooting bone dust!!!
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Len swann
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Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 6:50 am

As for the bone bridge - Its made up of container corpses :D - so its lootable too...... but theres some many you'd be standing there forver ooting bone dust!!!

Lootable corpse is great stuff. B)
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Megan Stabler
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Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:38 pm

Lootable corpse is great stuff. B)

well it shouldnt be a problem then :D

All i have to do now is just make a simple interoir for the tower and add a sigil stone. Then i can start work on the very simple dialogue (dont expect anything great with the dialogue lol)
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Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 11:42 am

Liking the bridge Midge. :hehe:

Then i ca start work on the very simple dialogue (dont expect anything great with the dialogue lol)

As long as it isn't "Ima kill u rawr!" I'm sure it'll be fine.
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Alex [AK]
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Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 3:33 am

Liking the bridge Midge. :hehe:

As long as it isn't "Ima kill u rawr!" I'm sure it'll be fine.

Oh gods no!

Now my spelling is bad but its not leet speak bad lol
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Dark Mogul
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Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:31 pm

If don't mind I would like to ask you about the sigil stone, if there something unique you want to attach with it such as scripted features perhaps.
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Heather Stewart
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Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:49 am

Will the Sigil-Stone's powers be the same as in Oblivion, or are you going to surprise us? :)
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Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:54 am

Now my spelling is bad but its not leet speak bad lol

I guess you could type it into word or OpenOffice first, so it spell checks it for you, then copy and paste it into the dialogue box.
Might make it little easier, idk. :shrug:
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Elizabeth Lysons
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Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:14 pm

If don't mind I would like to ask you about the sigil stone, if there something unique you want to attach with it such as scripted features perhaps.

Sure thing!

I was palnning on having a mage in the mages guild turn it into a ring for the player. But i read up on sigil stones on UESP and found that there are many types.

Soo....... I am making 7 types:

Stone of Magic: Fortify magicka 50pts
Stone of Health: Fortify health 50pts
Stone of Speed: Fortify Speed 10pts
Stone of Strength: Fortify Strength 10pts
Stone of Wisdom: Fortify Inteligence 10pts
Stone of Fatigue: Fortify Fatigue 100pts
Stone of Magma: Resist fire 50pts, Fortify destruction 10pts, Resit Normal Weapons 10pts, Fortify unarmored 10pts ( This is the "desirable stone")

The script effects will be that once the player activates the stone, a random one of the 7 are placed in the players inventory.

If the player tries to "equip" the stone, then a message box pops up asking if they wish to use the stone. If yes then the stone is removed from the inventory and the player is granted a new c/e ability depending upon the stone ( listed above )

The Stone of magma is the most desirable one as it offers the most C/E rewards. While the health, magicka and intelligance onces also seem worth while. The reason for the 7 possible outcomes is to balance the "Stone of Magma". I wanted the player to make it feel worthwhile to explore the oblivion planes, but then also at the same time provide a "re-playability" concept to it.

This replayability concept is contrasted throughout the mod. All Daedric Chests and Flesh sacks are Levelled loot. Apart from the gold. So it makes each time you play the mod that little bit diffrent. PLUS it also means that 2 peoples games can be very diffrent.

Yes while there is the reward of the sigil stone, it doesnt mean you will get that one next time. Nor does it mean that someone else playing the mod will get the same one as you :)
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Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 1:19 am

That's a very good idea Midget. Just don't level-scale the enemies :P
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Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:56 am

That's a very good idea Midget. Just don't level-scale the enemies :P

Oh I wont.

I have just finished up on another resource but will be included in this mod. In Oblivion the daedric towers had health and mana wells in them. So i decided to create my own :D

You will only be able to use each well once. Health well will restore 100 health and the mana well will restore 100 mana.

screenie? ok:

The read one is health, blue is mana, the yellowish one is an extra one that could be used for anything else. ( like a mehrunes blessing?)
The Yellowish one WILL NOT be in this mod.
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Stephanie Nieves
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Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 2:24 pm

I suggest that the yellow one should be added in, and used to restore 100 points of fatigue.

Why? Well, while there wasn't a Fatigue Well in Oblivion, it might have been because it's not as easy to tire in that game as it is in Morrowind. So it would be quite beneficial for any lower-level characters playing through the mod if there was a fatigue well.
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Princess Johnson
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Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:17 pm

I think that the yellow one should be used to restore 100 points of fatigue.

Why? Well, while there wasn't a Fatigue Well in Oblivion, it might have been because it's not as easy to tire in that game as it is in Morrowind. So it would be quite beneficial for any lower-level characters playing through the mod.

hmm I never thought of using it to restore fatigue! great idea :D
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Katie Samuel
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Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 6:26 am

Glad I could help :)
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adam holden
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Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 1:02 pm

Hmm I will need testers to test this out pretty soon.

All i have left to do:

- Script the sigil stones
- Script the wells
- Do tower interiors
- Do daedric Ruin interior ( The one that has the oblivion gate to oblivion)
- Do the dialogue
- Write the journal
- Write the short note to a mythic dawn memeber

If anyone feels up to it i need two books writing:

- One on the flora of Oblivion
- One on Sigil stones and oblivion gates ( i.e How sigil stones anchor the oblivion gates so they cant be closed from the mortal realm, and something about a great use of power is needed to open the gates (like a large cult of insanse mages lol))
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Nick Swan
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Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 6:38 am

Sure thing!

I was palnning on having a mage in the mages guild turn it into a ring for the player. But i read up on sigil stones on UESP and found that there are many types.

Soo....... I am making 7 types:

Stone of Magic: Fortify magicka 50pts
Stone of Health: Fortify health 50pts
Stone of Speed: Fortify Speed 10pts
Stone of Strength: Fortify Strength 10pts
Stone of Wisdom: Fortify Inteligence 10pts
Stone of Fatigue: Fortify Fatigue 100pts
Stone of Magma: Resist fire 50pts, Fortify destruction 10pts, Resit Normal Weapons 10pts, Fortify unarmored 10pts ( This is the "desirable stone")

The firsit 6 stone is okay with me but not last one, because of the enchantment (resist fire, fortify destruction) doesn't reflect the other two enchantments. You can change that to resist magicka or paralyze 50pts and fortify hand-to-hand 10pts, also change the NPC from a Mage's guild member to Miun-Gui instead who actually are a worshipper of Mehrunes Dagon. If you want to stick with guild NPC anyway I could get along with it. :P

Oh I wont.

I have just finished up on another resource but will be included in this mod. In Oblivion the daedric towers had health and mana wells in them. So i decided to create my own :D

You will only be able to use each well once. Health well will restore 100 health and the mana well will restore 100 mana.

screenie? ok:

The read one is health, blue is mana, the yellowish one is an extra one that could be used for anything else. ( like a mehrunes blessing?)
The Yellowish one WILL NOT be in this mod.

Please reconsider about the yellowish one, because I like it and you could that to have some repair option, such as repair all your weapon / recharge 50% all inventory items. :)
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Damien Mulvenna
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Post » Sat Dec 04, 2010 3:14 am

The firsit 6 stone is okay with me but not last one, because of the enchantment (resist fire, fortify destruction) doesn't reflect the other two enchantments. You can change that to resist magicka or paralyze 50pts and fortify hand-to-hand 10pts, also change the NPC from a Mage's guild member to Miun-Gui instead who actually are a worshipper of Mehrunes Dagon. If you want to stick with guild NPC anyway I could get along with it. :P

resit magicka is good. I will remove the fortify destruction and put in resist magicka.

As it stand there is no Mages guild memeber that is going to do this. That was the old idea. The new idea is the player just equips the stone once and the its remoeved and it grants these abilities ;)

Please reconsider about the yellowish one, because I like it and you could that to have some repair option, such as repair all your weapon / recharge 50% all inventory items. :)

I am not sure if its possible to do the recharge thing, As for repair - I know its possible but i really dont like that idea. I think I will stgick with the restore fatigue option for the time being.
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