On my research on the Elder Scrolls stories (one through four), I have noticed the storyline for elder scrolls has always brought something to the table for FPS players, and so on.
Each story gets good by each release of the series, especially the Animation, Graphics, voices, so on and so forth.
Although, some would beg to differ, I still believe that Elder Scrolls really brings in a lot of history that deals with the time when everyone didnt have guns, ammo, tank, bombers, and gernades...they used Swords, Axes, Hammers, Bow n arrows, Horses, Catapults, Crossbows, as well as other things...which long discussion short...it really shows everything that a player rather its PC, Xbox360, etc. heck its really feels like your in the olden days...Hopefully by the time TES 5 comes out it would bring another story to the table.
Plus its good to talk to you all a lot I think i got this in the wrong thread or whatever its called.