Invalid Accounts and Unable to log In

Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:20 pm

When attempting to access the redeem page for this site I am unable to log in with my credentials. Keeps giving me a invalid password/email message even though I am entering the same information I used to log into the site originally.
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Antonio Gigliotta
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:04 am

I can see we are all very enraged by this issue. Another thing to point out, I am NOT going to make another account as my desired username is this current one, and I am NOT going to make another account and use all my LE keys and CD keys as if somehow they manage to fix this issue, Im gonna lose all my CD keys. This is excruciatingly painful to watch a good game get farked up. We deserve better. We deserve the rights for paying for this game. I dont want to make this look bad, but this feels as though I pirated the game, Only playable singleplayer. No multi. Thats how a pirated game works. So EA and Crytek, Please give us an answer, not the one where you say " We will look into this matter as it is a temporary issue." EA, Crytek, You guys know that plenty of people have already asked what has been happening. A better answer such as a reason or explanation of whats going on would be very much appreciated rather than just saying we will look into it, its already the second day and plenty of us have already completed the single player. Please heed our cries.

*EDIT* And just to add, I have called my countries local EA publisher, They will be sending me or calling me to inform me about what crytek would be doing. As from what I know, the customer serviceman told me that since they are EA themselves, they can directly contact the Crytek team. Another I know is that the customer serviceman told me that Crytek is already doing some emergency patching etc and it will be released someday. But this someday better come soon. I will be posting more infomation on whether Crytek would be doing anything about it as soon as possible as I know we all just wanna have a good time playing this game. Crytek all the best and God Speed! We are all counting on you!

Hi, Sorry for editing this message a second time in less than 30 mins, But I just received a call from my local EA branch in where i live. What I have received is word from the Crytek team to the EA team then to me. From what Ive heard, Crytek told the EA branch that contacted me that all those people who digitally downloaded the game dont really face this issue, but those who bought it in the hard physical copy (DISC form) will face this problem. I have no idea about that as I bought it in physical form, not digitally. And the the I dreaded the most was said upon me on the phone, I was told that Crytek DOES NOT HAVE A DEADLINE on when they will release the patch to fix this issue, so if I were you people who are on the same boat as me, just svck it up, play the SP, keep yourself occupied, as they is NO deadline YET. But rest assured I was told Crytek IS WORKING ON IT. Complaining and crying and sending them mails isnt gonna make them make things do faster. Just let them fix the matter and we will be able to play in a couple of days. I hope.

Yours faithfully

we aint gona cry and whine nobody should.

at the most, we'll boycott crysis 3. **** bastards
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megan gleeson
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:13 am

so i click MP i get login screen i fill in my serial key then i log in no probs here but then when i take join game and select server to play on and try to connect to it , it **** says serial in use!!! i just bought it!!!
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:02 am

yes ,

i got the same, first stuck at login , for liek 5 - 8 minutes , i gave up go play the single player abit , then a hour after i try again ,
it doesnt memorise the serial number so i put i t in again for liek the 5th time , and finaly it logs in and when i want to join a server i get message serial currently in use , lol , realy ... EA FAIL *

this is the last game i buy from EA, with them copyright protection **** .. the ones who ilegaly download can just play single player , but who have to suffer , the people who accualy buy the game ..

GJ EA ones again , you FAIL !
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Antony Holdsworth
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:05 pm


Thank you for sharing the information you've acquired. I'm sure you have spent plenty of time hanging on the phone and benched in front of your computer. We're hearing more information from you than from Crytek/EA, I do appreciate it.

The submit or send button on the support page didn't seem to work for me either but if you click around on the button the upper right hand corner seemed to work, my message was sent, for what it's worth. A quick post from support would be appreciated, the lack of acknowledgement here is being perceived as indifference.

On a positive note, SP is outstanding! At least we got a reach around.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:35 pm

Such a disgusting highlight of crappy service.

I bought the game on Steam, so those of you EA has told "this only happens for hard copies", that is just something they're telling you to get you to go away.

EA support has pointed me to Gamespy to fix my account, EA says they have no control over these accounts.
-First of all, what kind of a crap company leaves the accounts of their users up to another company? Why would you point us to gamesas to change our passwords when that obviously is not the case according to your own support?

-Second, Gamespy has even worse customer support. You have to go to the IGN sight, fill out a problem form/ticket, and wait. When I created my first ticket it was automatically closed, essentially stating "login problems cannot be fixed here, you must remember your own username and password". Obviously they didn't read my case or they would have known that I did know my username and fact, I had to in order to simply log in.

My logins for IGN, Gamespy, and gamesas are all exactly the same. I'm even going to attempt removing all capital letters from my username and password to see if that helps, but I can't verify yet because I'm at work. Seriously, why can't you match your users' credentials with their own accounts?

The only solid response I've seen that Crysis is even aware of this is Cry-Tom's response saying "We'll look into this"...but this has been a problem for over a month.

Still no response on any of my tickets with any of the companies. Anyone have a phone number where you can reach somebody at Gamespy or Crysis that actually knows wtf they're doing?

I was excited for this game, I liked Crysis 1 (which I've reinstalled just to see if my credentials will work there, they don't anymore although they most certainly did 5 months ago). I loved the original Crysis, it was clean, it worked. I'm now disappointed as hell in Crysis 2 and kind of just want my money back. The crap service, crap support, crap release, reeks of rushing to release a game that obviously wasn't ready while dumbing down the game for console really really really has pissed me off. Guess that'll happen when you deal with EA, huh?

Shame on you EA, Crysis team, and Gamespy. Shame on you all.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:05 pm

i can login to the forums and gamesas, but no for multiplayer. come on crytek, this is the first game i actually bought from you guys and you make it like this..
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Curveballs On Phoenix
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:30 pm

i can login to the forums and gamesas, but no for multiplayer. come on crytek, this is the first game i actually bought from you guys and you make it like this..

I have the exact the same problem. I have the D/L version from ea
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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:44 pm

Tuesday I couldnt log into anything except this site. Yesterday i could log into the game just not on the limited edition page to redeem the code. Today i cant log into the game only this page. Wtf they are back tacking jeez who is the bright crayon in the box.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:59 am

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lauren cleaves
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:11 am

I can't believe this is happening, Crytek you are pure amateurs, from which cave did they pulled you from, can't you program a simple user management system its like my grandmother programmed this crap and you expect to take 60$ and then you show us the screw you attitude, i'm not buying your games anymore.

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Nick Jase Mason
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:52 pm

Yea, impressive how they managed to pull such a stunt off.
You'd expect this from newbies who never made a game before, but I guess they just did set new standards here, too.
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Kayleigh Williams
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:36 pm

1.Maby they make patch,big patch,1gb or other.
2.They left their contry with our money.
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Oscar Vazquez
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:38 pm

Same problem here and this really really svcks i pre-ordered my Crysis 2 LE game at EA a weak ago and today i could finely play the game so i came home all happy that i could play it but i was wrong i started downloading the game form EA Download Manager and every thing went well until i started the game and try to login cuase then when i try to login with my gamesas acount it says incorect login details so i thought i make an acount on the game and then login with that acount on gamesas but when i enter my username and password of my acount created on the game at gamesas it also says that i entered a wrong username or password so i'm getting really crazy cause i just want to play crysis 2 and activate my codes for extra things i got with buying the limeted edition

i really hope this problem is fixed verry soon

(sorry if i made any typing faults)
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:10 pm

cant loggin either says "invalid username or password" when i can obviously loggin here... they better fix this problem soon
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:47 am

Same here, I can login on the site, but not in game :(
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Jhenna lee Lizama
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:43 am

I have the opposite problem, I can't log in to the account I created on Crysis. I don't even remember making this account.
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Cody Banks
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:10 am

Please explain "eventually work", and .... how long does eventually take.
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Becky Palmer
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:23 pm

Same. Log into forums and website fine.

Played fine until I entered the bundle key, next time
I could not log in.

Now I get incorrect details, etc. ****.
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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:16 am

Same issue. This has been a bug since the demo but there's still no fix, and now I can't even change my associated email address.
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Lalla Vu
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:43 am

well have exactly the same problem and Im rly pissed off right now, cause my 60 bucks r gone and I cant play this game... EA/Crytek do something for jesus sake, its not that hard fixing sql db....
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Luis Longoria
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:56 pm

also having a problem logging in. This gamesas account is the same name as my gamespy account, and I changed the gamespy account so that they have the same password too. Tells me my password is incorrect. Logging into the gamespy or gamesas website with this name and password works fine.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:50 am

you guys with the same username on all those sites are rather lucky. i got 3 nicknames with different ways of spelling on almost all the sites. some accounts dating back over 10 years ago. and i'm not really sure i remember all the passwords, because i haven't use some of those accounts in a long time.
so what accountname do i use and what is the password that works with that account name in the game?
do i need the IGN name with the gamespy (fileplanet) password? or the gamespy username and the gamesas password?
ign needs an email address to log onto the site, but displays a nickname once you are logged in. so do i need the email adress or the username from IGN?

and why use accounts you don't have control over in your product in the first place? it's BOUND to cause problems!

all in all this is another example of why we shouldn't pre-purchase games. the guys pre-purchasing are always the ones having to deal with the problems, where as people buying it later will have a game that is nicely patched and in working order.
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Valerie Marie
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:19 am

"PART" OF THIS SOLVED FOR ME, SEE BELOW, may help u, but idk

well, same here. Steam version
For the demo, and now live version, I could not use my gamespy credentials which worked fine for gamespy

Could not create an account in game with my email address because it said my email was in use

Could not reset whatever password is connected to the email, because it just takes me to this site where I am able to create the username I want, with my email

Could not use my forum credentials from this site to enter the game, and so I had to make a fake email/pw/username just to get into demo

Could not get in with full version unless I use the fake credentials I made for the demo that are different from the ones i'm posting on here with

Cannot play multiplayer, even with the fake credentials i created because it tells me my serial number is in use

So I hit the link on the bottom of the in game login screen which took me to the site here...account details.
I changed my password to something else, then changed it right back again to the one i had before, and restarted the game, and I guess it re synced or something, cause now it lets me login with my actual username and password from here "prevelance" It then asked my for the serial number again, which i entered by hand, including dashes, and i got in....
(pw & username are same on gamespy which I changed a few days ago fyi, but i dont think it matters cause i don't think they are connected, I think they used to be connected, but don't sync with gamespy anymore perhaps, which would explain why they are stored from Crysis 1 but wont sync if u change a pw on gamespy)

When I try to play multiplayer, it still tells me my serial number is in use. :(
And I certainly dont wanna enter the LE serial in for the bonus stuff incase it gets lost and stuck "in use" separately. Not that i would know where to enter it anyway. lol

I guess this is happening to people already too, it asks me for my sn everytime I enter the game now.

At least a courtesy comment on the forums crytek???? Ive never seen a game team be so invisible from their customers. Perhaps this section should be changed from "Feedback & Support", to just "Feedback" ?? Maybe?

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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:37 pm

same problem here....goddamit this svcks!!!
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