» Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:03 am
Yesterday was able to log onto the multiplayer but just moments ago, I get this ****
"An error has occurred. Please check your network connectivity."
Anyone got this? Seriously annoying.
At least you managed to log in and play, well it isnt a surprise that we are all facing problems as (not trying to exaggerate) whenever EA launches a game, there WILL be bugs and connection issues. I mean look at BF2 all the way to BFBC2, when the game first launched, there were so many issues and bugs. Well I wont elaborate on BF2 since its a game from 2005. But take a look at BFBC2, it still has so many farking issues. Connectivity, Losing connection to EA servers, failure to get server list etc, Come one EA, do us a favor pretty please?