Rosethornmasta is right, we will not likely see another Elder Scrolls game for some time. Though back on topic, perhaps. I am not sure about an Invasion but I feel that the next Elder Scrolls game has a good chance of being in Akavir. Oriental based mods are popular, and random NPCs do discuss the Nerevarine taking a trip to Akavir. Also the lore, and world of Akavir is very unexplored in The Elder Scrolls games. I think it would be a good way to show us what else is in the world of The Elder Scrolls besides Tamriel as we know it. Introduce a new culture, monsters, and really surprise us.
Like perhaps show that the Snake people did not eat all of the men of Akavir. Maybe it could be you unlocking the secrets of the unknown eastern world. Perhaps that is why The Nerevarine went there. Perhaps there are still men in Akavir hiding out, waiting for a chance to strike back. Maybe an expedition will be lead there to learn what is actually going on. Lots of ifs, and possibilities.
All I know is Bethesda will not disappoint. Like with Morrowind, and Oblivion the next one will have it's own sound, look, feel, and story. All we can do is bite our nails off waiting to know where our next adventure into the world that is Elder Scrolls will take place.
I?ve never considered that but when I think about it, it sounds more possible that Akavir is the next game instead of Skyrim or Summerset Isles.
Exciting indeed but I don?t hope for a new game yet, I still have Morrowind to explore :celebration:
Besides, I don?t think the moderators will like that we write about it here :nono: