My name is Alessia Ottus, and I’d like to tell you all about Theramore. – From: Guide To Theramore by Alessia Ottus.
This mod adds many World of Warcraft-related features to The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. These features include custom races, a new city to explore, famous WoW-NPCs and much more. This mod is NOT, however, only for (ex-)WoW-players. All the lore will be explained in already existing dialogue or dialogue that will be added in the future when I make questlines. Read on for a more complete and detailed list.
A brief overview of the features
New playable races
This mod adds many new playable races. The following playable races are added:
- Blood Elves /
- Darkspear Trolls /
- Draenei (female only)
- Dwarves /
- Forsaken (Undead) /
- Gnomes /
- Goblins /
- Humans (from Azeroth) /
- Night Elves /
- Orcs (from Azeroth/Draenor) /
- Tauren /
- Worgen /
Some other races will also make an appearance, but will not be playable.
Invasion from Azeroth adds an entire new town called Theramore. Theramore has entirely retextured architecture to resemble it’s equivalent in World of Warcraft. Theramore has visiting traders, docks, shops, houses and anything else a town might need.
The town’s front gate can not be opened to prevent players from going outside the city on the mainland side of Theramore, but there are ofcourse other ways for players to go there anyway, like swimming around the Isle or using cheat codes. If you intend to do this, just let me have told you beforehand: there is nothing to see there, and there probably never will be.
To reach the town, all you have to do is start with the...
New Quest: Finding Your Ancestry
This quest will start automatically after leaving the prison when starting a new game. If you activate this mod and load a saved game where the tutorial has already been completed, this quest will start immediately. During the quest the story will be explained about why you started the game in prison, and how the worlds Azeroth and Nirn (the planet of which Tamriel is a part) are connected. At the end you will also get to choose between one of the...
Ten new classes and hundreds of class-specific Spells/Abilities
At the end of the quest, you will choose which class you want to become. You can choose between the following classes:
- Death Knight
- Druid
- Hunter
- Mage
- Paladin
- Priest
- Rogue
- Shaman
- Warlock
- Warrior
To help you in making your decision, short descriptions of every class are given during the quest. At the end of the quest, once you’ve chosen your class, you will be allowed to open a chest with the equipment you had before the game started (before you were sent to prison) according to the storyline (equipment based on class and for warriors also on race) and get an ‘’Update Spells’’ Spell in your spellbook.
Currently, the Update Spells ability will give you all Spells you could currently cast depending on your magical school skills. This means casting this every time you reach a new skill mastery (novice, apprentice etc.) in one of the magic schools, you will most likely learn a few new spells, or better versions of old spells.
In this version, after doing the first quest, you will immediately have access to all of your class’ abilities. The intention is that, in future versions, you will get these abilities as rewards for longer questlines.
The caster classes get many more new abilities than melee classes at this moment. That is because the casters have lots of options for new spells, which can be easily scripted. In my opinion, the coolest new additions for melee classes would be new moves, which are already much better implemented in mods like Deadly Reflex, Unnecessary Violence and Sudden Violence than I could ever do. Melee classes will, however, still get a few abilities, and also new armor/weapons. They will also get full questlines, just like casters will, in the future.
Many new items
Some examples:
- Many new armor, weapon and clothing sets
- Fist Weapons which increase your hand-to-hand damage
- Working Blunderbusses which deal damage following the same formulas as bows already do. Including different ammo types which affect blunderbuss damage in the same way as arrows do for bows
- Bandages, for roleplaying warrior-types who don't want to heal through spells or magical potions, but still need a way to heal themselves after combat
- Different types of bombs
More text would probably get boring though, and since they say pictures can say more than a thousand words...:
More screenshots will follow in the coming days!
EDIT: I promised more screenshots... so first the rest of Theramore, will probably post some screenshots of other stuff later today. (that's the barracks for guards and the prison in one building) The Fighter's Guild has sent some of it's members to check that new world out. That guy with the bow is exercising by the way, not killing Theramore residents Jaina proudmoore is the ruler of this town, and a powerful mage.
EDIT: Also, I'm in need of suggestions for racial abilities for Gnomes! All other Races already have some, but I simply can't come up with good ones for Gnomes. The ones they have in WoW wouldn't work well or be useful at all in Oblivion.
Suggestions for all kinds of other stuff you can even think about are worth mentioning too! This doesn't mean I'm taking all requests, but it's better to ask and have a chance than not mention it! Keep in mind with this that the most important aim of this mod is to represent my impression of an Azeroth that's been magically linked to Tamriel/Nirn (of course, I have already totally made up the lore of who opened portals and why etc etc, but I'm afraid that won't be explained before many many months until I've had time to make quests). This means you can come up with your own spells too, as long as they fit the classes/races well and I like the ideas!