Simple as this, Skyrim you can showcase your weapons on plagues and in show cases etc. The biggest problem for me is, although you can 'pick up' gear and move it, you can never move it where you want. For example, i bought a house...i built a bar and cabinets behind to liquour/quantam cola so it'd look cool. Impossible!! The items bounce around when 'picked up', nearly impossoble to place where you want them to be. THere should be a design to place inventory items where you want, much like the furniture/wall/roof abilty we currently have.
There needs to be a simple way to place inventory items in, on or around your own house/settler towns, the way you want them, i.e guns, drinks, [censored] me anything i want to grap from my inventory and show off!!
I'm suprised this hasn't been sorted by now because I felt this was a problem with Fallout 3 and Skyrim, the latter less of a problem with sword racks and show cases, but obviously not a solution for this type of environment.
The Point being when your lvl 25+ and you've done countless amount of epic things(no spoliers sometimes you just wanna chill and refect on your sucess without having to come home and look at an upside down 50 cal sniper rifle hanging off a shelf jangling around..surley a few nails and stuff... whatever, if you can build buildings and a an entire town, then you can micro mange little things like weapons, bottle, vases etc Cheers!