» Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:25 am
Many posts talking about hearing, or smelling the target being invisible, so the invisible person continues to be attacked. Those posters seem to think this is logical.
Being able to hear or smell and invisible opponent is, in no way, helpful. Fighting an invisible opponent in hand-to-hand combat put you at an OVERWHELMING disadvantage. You would be OVERWHELMED. This is not "just my opinion". Your opponent is invisible, you do not know where to strike, you can only attack a general location the sound is coming from.
And your opponent is invisible, you cannot see it attack you, You can't know where and what to defend. You can't parry a blade you can't see. If an opponent turned invisible in front of you and you continued to attack a general area, YOU WOULD DIE BECAUSE YOU CAN'T DEFEND YOURSELF. How can you stop an incoming attack that you can't see?
I can't understand why there is anything to argue about. If it's "just my opinion", then it is so, the same way that touching glowing red metal will burn me, "is just my opinion". You can't fight what you can't see. You aren't "DAREDEVIL", and 99.9% likely that, in Skyrim, you ARE NOT fighting a Blind Moth Priest.
Oblivion knew this, and invisibility worked logically. If it amounted to an "immortality" spell, and that bores you, don't use it. Making it have illogical mechanics, makes it stupid.
If the npc doesn't drop combat when you go invisible, you should be able to one-shot the opponent. Which would be even MORE "over-powered" than just simply letting him slip away.
I play the game as an interactive novel, where I get to choose the main character. I develope concepts for the characters I play. Why should a person that spends his life in a library, have to sneak, or use melee combat. Destruction magic svcks, cast a destruction magic spell and suddenly there's 10 mobs on your in melee combat, and you are dead, regardless of alteration "armor" spells. Why should I HAVE to develope melee skills and assassin/thief skills to play the game? Why should I HAVE to use a weapon and learn how to sneak? Why do I have to be a combat-god , why should I have to be a stealth-god. Wjy can't i just be a magical-god. If you think it's boring, don't play it. There are many examples of a bookish mage type prevailing against those kinds of enemies, in fantasy literature. It has a PRECEDENT.
And most importantly, Balance between character types is IRRELEVANT. No other character types exist except the one you are playing. So if one is playing a character concept that is"pft...overpowered" it doesn't matter in the least bit to how you conceive of your character and play the game. THIS IS NOT AN MMO. No one is making you do anything you don't want, forcing you to use invisibility, and there is no gamer societal pressure from other players. No one else is playing your game. Just don't do it if you don't want to.
All 4 Fallout games and all 5 Elder Scroll games have the most flexible player-character builds in the history of computer gaming. Taking away one of those options because of the subjective opinion of "it's stupid" makes the game LESS flexible. Just don't play what you think is stupid.
But now I have to deal with gimped, stupid illusion spells.
Oh well, the game is still really fun. It's just all this talk of "over-powered" and "they can still hear you..." galls me.