Invisibility in Skyrim is illogical.

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:47 am

Alrighty kiddies and people who are older than me!

Take the word invisible, and chop it up!

In + visible = Invisible!

In stands for the opposite of something, such as Invisible!

visible stands for something you can see with your eyes!

invisible just makes you invisible, kiddies! Remember that! It doesn't make you disappear off the face of the earth, it just makes you invisible to the naked eye. It doesn't change your sound, breathing, presence, weight, or anything.

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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:34 am

There's nothing wrong with how invisibility works in Skyrim.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:34 pm

If the Illusion school is strictly mental, why do you have to cast Calm and Fury on others to effect them, but Muffle is cast on yourself? Are you tricking yourself into not making any noise?

No, muffle is the same, your telling their minds that they can't hear you. Illusion in Skyrim is supposed to affect the minds of others. Not alter physical properties...that's alteration.
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:05 am

Would you suddenly stop and disengage if the person in front of you disappeared, when you're aware of the ability to cast invisibility?

No, you'd probably stay alert and track him, especially if he's being a noisy pile of noise while invisible.

Herp derp.

I'm on your side, but to be fair, there is a completely different spell that keeps you from making sound that is suppose to be used in conjunction with invisibility called muffle. They both are incredibly underpowered though. It's like they said "We will give mages the ability to do what other classes do including stealth, combat, and charisma, but also make them completely useless at all of them."

Muffle silences your armor so that you can sneak more effectively. Just look at the description of the spell: "You move more quietly for ___ seconds." More quietly does not mean completely silent, and if you're just walking through, they will hear you and track your position based on the noise you're making.

Cast muffle, go into sneak mode, and cast invisibility. You will be much more likely to pass through the same situation without being detected.
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Angela Woods
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:07 am

Invisibility works more like the camouflage spell in oblivion
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Sammie LM
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:12 am

Alrighty kiddies and people who are older than me!

Take the word invisible, and chop it up!

In + visible = Invisible!

In stands for the opposite of something, such as Invisible!

visible stands for something you can see with your eyes!

invisible just makes you invisible, kiddies! Remember that! It doesn't make you disappear off the face of the earth, it just makes you invisible to the naked eye. It doesn't change your sound, breathing, presence, weight, or anything.


LOL, READ what the game says...LISTEN to the illusion trainer. It's mental. You haven't really turned invisible. It's not bending the light around you, so that you aren't seen. It's telling the minds of others that they can't see you.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:04 am

Invisibility works more like the camouflage spell in oblivion

No, it works like invisibility.

If you cast it in front of someone they will track you, if you are noisy, they will track you. Sounds like TC just wants dumber AI.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:25 am

They should have called it chameleon, as it only obscures you. Oblivions chameleon enchants we're game breaking so I can see why they erred on the side of caution. Muffle is just that. Not silence. Should they have made true invisibility and silence spells as well? Maybe, but you still need to sneak, stick to shadows and move slowly for the current spells to work. That's ok for me. You might not be able to walk past a group of guards in full daylight, but you can still sneak past them at night.
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Lawrence Armijo
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:02 am

No, it works like invisibility.

If you cast it in front of someone they will track you, if you are noisy, they will track you. Sounds like TC just want dumber AI.

If they can't see you and can't hear you, then how do they know exactly where you are? Invisible, muffled, etc, and they will still hunt you down.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:29 am

If they can't see you and can't hear you, then how do they know exactly where you are? Invisible, muffled, etc, and they will still hunt you down.

Because they are not stupid. You were just there.

And no, they wont hunt you down, since Ive gotten away from giants that I cast invisibility on right in front of them. I just went behind a rock and was good. They never saw me again, until the spell lifted. So in essence, there is nothing wrong with it in Skyrim.

And lore wise, Illusion is the altering of the mind, without physically altering anything. Several in game books on the subject. From Incident in Necrom, to Silence.
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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:04 pm

Would you suddenly stop and disengage if the person in front of you disappeared, when you're aware of the ability to cast invisibility?

No, you'd probably stay alert and track him, especially if he's being a noisy pile of noise while invisible.

Herp derp.

Muffle silences your armor so that you can sneak more effectively. Just look at the description of the spell: "You move more quietly for ___ seconds." More quietly does not mean completely silent, and if you're just walking through, they will hear you and track your position based on the noise you're making.

Cast muffle, go into sneak mode, and cast invisibility. You will be much more likely to pass through the same situation without being detected.

If you had been paying would have seen that I addressed that. The GAME contradicts itself where the Illusion skill is concerned. It says it's one thing, then acts like it's another.

Muffle DOES NOT mention armor creaking or sword clanging in any way. Just says you are "quieter". Not why you are quieter. The Illusion trainer says it's mind magic. Muffle should be moved to Alteration, or the description made more clear.

And, YES, you would disengage if someone vanished, and moved. Because you are unable to perceive them no...sound...wind...leaves/dust disturbed. Nothing. Just exactly the way it was in Oblivion. You aren't telling his mind that he can't see you. You're telling his mind that you aren't there.

Stated in many places that Illusion is mental. And that is how it works, if it IS mental (altering the mind...not matter)
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Elle H
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:49 am

Because they are not stupid. You were just there.

And no, they wont hunt you down, since Ive gotten away from giants that I cast invisibility on right in front of them. I just went behind a rock and was good. They never saw me again, until the spell lifted. So in essence, there is nothing wrong with it in Skyrim.

And lore wise, Illusion is the altering of the mind, without physically altering anything. Several in game books on the subject. From Incident in Necrom, to Silence.

What if you're not "right in front of them?" What if they spot me from far away and I cast muffle and invisible? I start walking away and suddenly every enemy in the are knows where I am. How can they hear me if they're all shouting and shooting super loud spells at me? If you're in a large room and you're invisible, say fighting an archer, there is no reason that he should still be able to shoot you if you move to the other side of the room. I also hate this mentality of "WELL THIS IS THE WAY IT WORKS FOR ME!!!" because not everything on this game works the same for everyone. We don't all encounter the same glitches, we don't go on all the same quests, and enemies don't always follow the same rules adventurer to adventurer.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:42 am

What if you're not "right in front of them?" What if they spot me from far away and I cast muffle and invisible? I start walking away and suddenly every enemy in the are knows where I am. How can they hear me if they're all shouting and shooting super loud spells at me? If you're in a large room and you're invisible, say fighting an archer, there is no reason that he should still be able to shoot you if you move to the other side of the room. I also hate this mentality of "WELL THIS IS THE WAY IT WORKS FOR ME!!!" because not everything on this game works the same for everyone. We don't all encounter the same glitches, we don't go on all the same quests, and enemies don't always follow the same rules adventurer to adventurer.

Ive never seen that happen. When I cast both and an enemy is around, as long as I change direction, they cant see me. Not my fault it doesn't work for others. It works correctly for me.
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Isabella X
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:50 pm

If an npc turned invisible in front of your eyes you would still keep swinging at him. Why do you think your invisibility should function differently?
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:24 am

If an npc turned invisible in front of your eyes you would still keep swinging at him. Why do you think your invisibility should function differently?

Because it DID function differently in Morrowind and Oblivion. It worked according to the concept. That it altered the minds of others. Doesn't absorb sound, or bend light...alters the minds of others.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:01 am

I'm not sure I understand the problem here. Sure, it's mental. It still just makes you invisible, not undetectable. They can no longer see you, but there's no mention of affecting other senses. Hearing probably being the most relevant in this case.

If you just go into sneak mode as well I'd hazard a guess that you can do exactly what you want, i.e. no longer be detected.
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Sista Sila
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:58 am

Because it DID function differently in Morrowind and Oblivion. It worked according to the concept. That it altered the minds of others. Doesn't absorb sound, or bend light...alters the minds of others.

No, going by lore, it always bent the light. You cast it on yourself, not someone else.
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JaNnatul Naimah
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:30 am

The invisibility spell when cast by NPCs doesn't make them invisible (Their outline is still there).
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:38 am

Ive never seen that happen. When I cast both and an enemy is around, as long as I change direction, they cant see me. Not my fault it doesn't work for others. It works correctly for me.

Then don't say "No, they won't hunt YOU down" because obviously you don't know what they will do to me if I'm actually experiencing it.

Also, to those who keep saying "You would still keep attacking if the enemy turned invisible." It's not an attacking problem. It's a tracking you down and still knowing exactly where you are. It makes the nightingale invisible power completely worthless.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:03 am

I have no idea what the OP is talking about.

From my own experiences in game and from several videos on YouTube showcasing Stealth and Invisibility, you can start attacking someone and go invisible right in front of them and the mob will just stand there and look around, allowing the player to get a stealth kill on them. :shakehead:

To me, this seems broken. If someone went invisible before my very eyes, I would attack where I last saw them. If they went invisible like they did in Skyrim, I would still even be able to see them; just look for the light distortion.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:53 am

Then don't say "No, they won't hunt YOU down" because obviously you don't know what they will do to me if I'm actually experiencing it.

Also, to those who keep saying "You would still keep attacking if the enemy turned invisible." It's not an attacking problem. It's a tracking you down and still knowing exactly where you are. It makes the nightingale invisible power completely worthless.

They won't hunt you down if you know what your doing. Your either experiencing a glitch, or doing it wrong.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:00 pm

If you had been paying would have seen that I addressed that. The GAME contradicts itself where the Illusion skill is concerned. It says it's one thing, then acts like it's another.

Muffle DOES NOT mention armor creaking or sword clanging in any way. Just says you are "quieter". Not why you are quieter. The Illusion trainer says it's mind magic. Muffle should be moved to Alteration, or the description made more clear.

And, YES, you would disengage if someone vanished, and moved. Because you are unable to perceive them no...sound...wind...leaves/dust disturbed. Nothing. Just exactly the way it was in Oblivion. You aren't telling his mind that he can't see you. You're telling his mind that you aren't there.

Stated in many places that Illusion is mental. And that is how it works, if it IS mental (altering the mind...not matter)

I'm sorry that you don't seem to understand things.

But feel free to continue herping and derping about in your own perceived version of Skyrim.

I'm gonna be over here playing the Skyrim that everyone else seems to know and understand.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:38 am

They won't hunt you down if you know what your doing. Your either experiencing a glitch, or doing it wrong.

Then how come other people are experiencing the same problem? I've tested invisibility multiple times in many different scenarios, and unless you walk into a room with it already cast, they will know where you are at all times unless you completely leave the area or outrun them.
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Keeley Stevens
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:46 pm

Then how come other people are experiencing the same problem? I've tested invisibility multiple times in many different scenarios, and unless you walk into a room with it already cast, they will know where you are at all times unless you completely leave the area or outrun them.

Who knows, or even cares? It works for me, so that's all that matters. Lol at people that want to cast invisibility right in front of enemies in the first place.
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Katey Meyer
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:03 am

I'm sorry that you don't seem to understand things.

But feel free to continue herping and derping about in your own perceived version of Skyrim.

I'm gonna be over here playing the Skyrim that everyone else seems to know and understand.

What the hell does "herping" and "derping" mean?
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