
Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 12:25 am

!!! chameleon at alter of enchantment required level 50 in illusion ,perhaps pc users could mod it but not console gamers
i still think chamealion should not be removed because a non magic gamer requests it skyrim is a sandbox game meaning you the gamer are responsible for the dovahkiins actions

An illusion of 50 is doable by level 8 without extraneous effort. I don't use efficient leveling and actually level illusion slower than the rest because I hate its tie to Personality and I have it at probably 40 on both my level 8 mages. Getting an illusion level of 50 is not difficult at all.

Now on your second point, I dont't have a problem with chemleon being in. I don't have a problem with it, I merely have a problem with 100% chameleon suits.

@JC - You don't need to use the cheating method he described. There are 5 grand soul gems littered around various guilds and in shops. Turn them into Blacks, capture some bandit souls go to an enchanting altar (the only really challenging part of this entire process is getting the money to pay for th eenchantments.)

The point of my post is merely to point out that chamleon suits aren't 20+ god rewards, they're low-mid level exploits.
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Meghan Terry
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 5:56 am

disagree 100% ,full chamelean wasnt easy to come by meaning you couldnt get untill you reach lvl 20s for the strong sigil stones unless you glitched or cheat to get to 100+ chameleon

invisibility had restrictions that any interaction would undo the spell
in combat chameleon was still visible when below 100 and npcs will still beable to hear loud foot steps

100% Chameleon was very easy to come by.

Cast pre-built 25% Chameleon spell
Cast pre-built 75% Chameleon spell
Godmode enabled

That was accessible very early on in the game and would tide anyone over for the few minutes they have to spend getting Grand Soul Gems to enchant for 100% Chameleon.
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:05 am

i would like invisibility and chameleon to be handled like the cloaking from Crysis. when you are still it would drain you magicka slowly, but when your moving it doubles the drain rate. the main difference would be invisibility would be double the drain of chameleon.

and of course with invisibility you have 0% detection so long as you dont fight or interact.
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 2:17 am

That doesn't work from within dungeons or other interior cells, where the majority of the instances when I did get stuck occurred.

then you just load the autosave from when you entered the dungeon
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 5:29 am

There's no point to Chameleon under 100%, so unless they change the mechanics, Chameleon either needs to retain the ability to reach 100%, or else get pulled out altogether.

Not pointless if even 10% chameleon affects your sneak chances. Especially if there are separate modifiers for light and noise.
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Assumptah George
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Post » Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:29 pm

Wait... so chameleon isn't fine because you could cheat to get the necessary stones? That's not exactly a very convincing argument.

100% chamaleon will be reworked no matter what. its one of the biggest cheese fests in Oblivion.
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Dan Stevens
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Post » Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:56 pm

I think it should have to be held down. One hand has the spell equipped (or both if you want to lower cost per second) and you hold down the corresponding hand to keep the spell up. It continuously drains magicka. If you use your other hand the spell turns off.

However, there is still the issue of going invisible, attacking, and going invisible, attacking etc., so maybe the spell would have a large initial cost then would drain mana to keep it up. This makes it better for just sneaking around rather than using it during battle. Also, if you make too much noise or cast the spell while in combat, the enemies would have to move more, making sudden 180 degree turns and sometimes just swinging their weapons or casting spells wildly (this only being if you did it in combat). Mages with detect life spells will be able to see you no problem though.
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Veronica Martinez
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 1:24 am

Why shouldnt a powerful wizard be able to hide himself. I would be furious if invisibilty was removed.
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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 2:43 am

There's no point to Chameleon under 100%, so unless they change the mechanics, Chameleon either needs to retain the ability to reach 100%, or else get pulled out altogether.

it should not be pulled out of the game. If you don't want to use it then don't use it, but there are many people out there (including myself) who enjoy having a pure invisible character.There is no reason to take it out of an open world rpg. (ie if you truely don't want to use an optional aspect of the game, you can avoid it, and the rest of us can enjoy it.

(when I say you, I don't mean the person I am quoting, I mean in general)
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Emma Pennington
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 7:52 am

There's no point to Chameleon under 100%, so unless they change the mechanics, Chameleon either needs to retain the ability to reach 100%, or else get pulled out altogether.

Yes there is. It reduces the range at which you can be detected.


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Claire Mclaughlin
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:44 am

Invisibility wasn't really OP, and it drains mana now. Though i can't deny i did what you said and just sneaked/invisi'd through most of the dungeons :P
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Lisha Boo
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 7:01 am

Please don't remove invisibility :(

I don't want to be seen :(
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 6:45 am

mark/recall and levitate did not break anything, and could not break anything (it could only make dungeons more fun, adding without takeing is what mark/recal and levitate did)

but thats not what this is about, invisibility does not break anything (either) so why would you want to remove it? it did not make any quest to easy (but if you really feel that way, why use it?) and it did not let you get out of a place you were supposed to be trapped in, no reason to remove it
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james kite
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 7:27 am

invisibility caused you to break scripts of the game?

It caused you to enter areas you shouldn't have entered?

Invisibility can do the exact same thing as sneak, just easier.
Also, I'm pretty sure it will be a continuously casting spell...
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 2:19 am

then you just load the autosave from when you entered the dungeon

Yeah which isn't exactly a very tenable situation, especially if you are in a big dungeon (like the one from Oblivion's MQ) and assuming you are keeping numerous separate saves. Would be nice to have a recall potion, but then of course that would defeat the purpose of removing the spells. It's unavoidable I suppose.

Not pointless if even 10% chameleon affects your sneak chances. Especially if there are separate modifiers for light and noise.

That would require a change to the mechanics, which was a proviso in my statement. In Morrowind and Oblivion, without mods, there was no point to having less than 100% chameleon.

it should not be pulled out of the game. If you don't want to use it then don't use it, but there are many people out there (including myself) who enjoy having a pure invisible character.

Yes there is. It reduces the range at which you can be detected.



Grow up. You two (especially MrBigglesworth) are just looking for a fight, but you made a pretty poor (and ignorant) choice when you picked me as your target. You didn't even bother to try and understand what I was saying, and took it completely out of context. Actually, I made it pretty clear in my post, so I guess you just picked the words you want to see, e.g., "pulled out altogether."

I was responding to (and even quoted right there in my post) the person that said "Chameleon shouldn't be able to get higher than 50%." My response was that there is no point to having less than 100% (and many other posters have said the same thing), because according to PREVIOUS game mechanics, you could still be seen and it did not help your sneak. Therefore my argument was, it either needs to be completely pulled (not limited to 50%) or completely allowed (to 100%), unless they change the game's mechanics to give a benefit to less than total chameleon. There's no point to having an in-between without changes to the game's mechanics.

Getting pretty tired of baseless attacks and insults. I personally used and enjoyed Chameleon.
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 9:22 am

Getting pretty tired of baseless attacks and insults. I personally used and enjoyed Chameleon.

Yeah, I misread a bit, idk I just don't like seeing aspects of the game (or any game really) be removed when they can simply be avoided.
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james tait
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Post » Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:18 am

Yeah, I misread a bit, idk I just don't like seeing aspects of the game (or any game really) be removed when they can simply be avoided.

And I agree with you. I can accept that some changes are necessary for the game to evolve, but some of these changes are harder to accept considering they have been a part of it since the beginning and we have just come to expect it to be there.
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