!!! chameleon at alter of enchantment required level 50 in illusion ,perhaps pc users could mod it but not console gamers
i still think chamealion should not be removed because a non magic gamer requests it skyrim is a sandbox game meaning you the gamer are responsible for the dovahkiins actions
i still think chamealion should not be removed because a non magic gamer requests it skyrim is a sandbox game meaning you the gamer are responsible for the dovahkiins actions
An illusion of 50 is doable by level 8 without extraneous effort. I don't use efficient leveling and actually level illusion slower than the rest because I hate its tie to Personality and I have it at probably 40 on both my level 8 mages. Getting an illusion level of 50 is not difficult at all.
Now on your second point, I dont't have a problem with chemleon being in. I don't have a problem with it, I merely have a problem with 100% chameleon suits.
@JC - You don't need to use the cheating method he described. There are 5 grand soul gems littered around various guilds and in shops. Turn them into Blacks, capture some bandit souls go to an enchanting altar (the only really challenging part of this entire process is getting the money to pay for th eenchantments.)
The point of my post is merely to point out that chamleon suits aren't 20+ god rewards, they're low-mid level exploits.