Invisible Walls - Are you kidding me?

Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 6:05 pm

This made me so angry when I found it, I think it's because instead of running around an entire hill I just wanted to clamber over it and save some time and then I found the walls...

I remember ranting and cursing on my head at the game for a good 10mins about how they want to make it feel like a real world but yet people can't climb rocks any more.
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:19 pm

Played 30 hours so far, have yet to encounter a single invisible wall. Are you guys just playing around the edges of the map all the time?

I'm sure if I went looking for them I could find them but then.....why would I deliberately go looking for something to get annoyed about?

No, I see a small hillthat can be climbed to avoid the long walk around, I go up the huill, find a stupid wall, and walk around. And my character is a sniper making it annoying when I have to walk in small pathways.
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Danger Mouse
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:19 am

Stick the roads that's where your safest from those mean old invisible walls :spotted owl:
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:50 pm

I encountered these invisible walls within the first hour of playing and they continued to plague me for a while after - I tend to head for any high points I can and am a constant "mountain climber" in games - I like to look out at the views, check out the surrounding area, try to find any hidden places, and get that feeling of playing a free-roam sandbox game, rather than a "follow this road we made for you encountering only creatures suitable for your level" type game.

I've been using the Invisible Wall Remover mod since the first release and it makes the game a whole lot more enjoyable.

With invisible walls removed and almost an entire playthrough complete with every side-quest I can find, I've not had any single issue with "zone loading/texture loading/item loading" as some people thought might be a problem above, I've not had any quests/scripts break because of stumbling in to areas too early, and while I have landed in to a den of deathclaws at the quarry quite early on - that's not an issue for me, in fact I see it as a positive thing to be able to do. If I didn't want the ability to stumble upon enemies far too tough for me then I'd stick to the safer routes or play a game that had only levelled creature lists.

As posted by somebody above, you can get the invisible wall remover mod here;

Urbex (the mod maker) is intentionally leaving in "invisible walls" where he finds them to be absolutely essential (ie to prevent quest/script breakage etc.), and I think his intention is to replace those essential barriers with visible not invisible ones in the future.
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:55 pm

I believe they should have made better use of terrain to block off areas, rather than an invisible wall half way up a hill, or along a ledge, or even worse, blocking the player jumping a knee high fence. In all those cases, use a rock face, don't make a ledge, or use a high fence. I spent a lot of time wandering up hills and around ledges or fences only to find I was blocked by an invisible force. To me that is immersion breaking.

While I didn't necessarily agree with your initial point, I agree with this. At least in FO3 you had the visual aid of a 20 foot pile of rubble that looked unpassable. While to an extent, this game uses small cliffs, reaching the top and getting hit with a barrier breaks the immersion massively.

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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:17 pm

in any video game there will always be a point that you cannot cross, simply because of disc space, A video game can only be so big you retards, Earth has barriers too believe it or not...
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Emerald Dreams
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:41 am

if you people dont like video games these days i swear theres so much complaining about video games these days its rediculous, at least you have a video game you tards, if you dont like it then go back to super nintendo, no one ever said u had to play these
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 6:50 pm

At times I feel like I'm driving the Mako in the original Mass Effect. Anyone who's played will remember driving up to the top of a mountain and just as you're about to get over the edge you slide and fall back down. It's so frustrating to deal with stuff like that. Especially in this game. There are so many routes that you could take, but can't do to the invisible walls. Most of the time it looks like you can climb these areas too. However you just end up wasting your time. I've even glitched while trying to climb. I've even had instances where I'm shooting and there's an invisible wall in front of me. I'll see the effect of walls/rocks/etc taking damage, but it's in mid air. I DO understand that Fallout 3 had nearly five years put into it and that New Vegas did not have that much time. However with the amount of glitches and bugs, there's really no excuse for it. This is a great game that's tarnished by tons of glitches. It actually stops me from recommending it to other people.
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