Im sorry but I did really really disagree with this guys. The last thing the TES games need is more accessability. In OB you had everything handed to you on a silver plate. The guys doing this podcast seem like they've never played an old school RPG
I think what they mean, is the game is just a lot easier to pick up, and get into. Not so much convoluted mechanics like Strength and DT ratio. In Oblivion, you're thrown so many concepts and exposition at the beginning of the game, along with all these arbitrary character choices (That could wind up crippling your build) that it's just so hard to dive right in.
On the flip side, Morrowind has a lot less help, but still the potentially character-threatening choices at the beginning. They also give you an iron dagger, some lame ring and toss you out into the world in all of 6minutes.
in Skyrim, they probably want to get rid of the whole "You just screwed your character by picking the Atronoch Birthsign" situations, and just present you with a tangible way to create "you", by giving you the most tangible representation of arbitrary selection possible.
Maybe I am just reading too much into it though.