Currently, this is what the model in-game looks like with the maps applied:
Notice how the wall area lacks texture but has that shiny-reflective gloss effect? Well, that is one of the issues I ran into. The second issue is that design, that is partially-bump-map looking, but has a strong-blue tint with a powerful glossy-reflection.
Originally, The design part of the model, was only a little-bit glossy and that was it; it looked ceramic, kinda cool, but a bit too reflective for me. At that time, I had managed to get the bricks to get bump mapped/normal as well. However, even with the same settings as the design, it had a much higher reflection and gloss effect.
After tweaking it, the model came to look like what is in the two screenshots above ^.
I have spent most of all last night and this morning attempting to fix this with no avail. So I figured is was nigh-time to ask for help. My settings in the Blender program [for the base textures and maps are].
Here is the setup for all the textures:
Base Texture:
Base Texture:
Normal map:
Normal map:
Here are the Image-type choices for each:
Base Texture:
Normal Map:
Now I want to say, that above is the exact order that it is currently built in although not the original order: Original the textures ordered from the Base Texture, then Envmap, then Normal map. Currently the order however, is as seen above: Base, Norm, then finally Env.
Currently this is the model-rendered in Nifskope:
Finally I'd like to finish this with a few more hopefully helpful information: I had got some help down at the GHF site, but the person who helped me couldn't currently get it down very much [the reflections or glossy effects]. So from their on, I spent almost my entire night searching and studying tutorials. I followed so many of them I lost track.
From changing the Bump map luma scale from 1.0000 to 0.00000 in Nifskope, tweaking the Bump map type tin Nifskope, or by trying to tweak the properties in the Textures tabs in Blender, specifically the ones that affect the reflectivity of a texture, applied, such as the D Var, which are the values that affect reflection, ambiance, alphas, specs, and e.c.t.
However, no matter what I change or do, I have not been able to increase or reduce the reflectivity of a envmap, in order to create a more bumpy-wall feel, rather then a glassy-ceramic look.
Hopefully I have given enough screenshots and information for people to understand what I am talking about and enough for them to be able to give help or suggestions.