After playing for more than 100 hours i understood a few things.
- At a certain point the game becomes too easy if you take the full advantages the game allows you.
- By sticking to 1 certain weaponry - melee / sniping / automatic you restrain yourself in many encounters.
- There is no issue what so ever with health / rad / ammo.
I decided to create myself this challenge
1. Survival mode
2. No crossair (must use aim to actually aim)
3. No power armor (exp rad zones, allowed to collect them for fun)
4. What you find is what you use:
- No buying
- No new crafting of weapon / armor (allowed to remove mods from scavenge weapons and reassemble them)
5. No fast traveling
The character in my mind: John Rambo based upon
- Master of weapons: sniping rifles, automatic weapons and explosives (perks: Rifleman, Commando, Demolition Expert)
- Highly resilient to damage and torture (perks: Toughness, Chem Resistant)
- Sneaky when can be (perks: Locksmith, Sneak, Action boy, Ninja)
- Doesn't associate with others much (low Charisma, favorite companion: Dog Meat)
- Educated in the university of life (low Intelligence, Idiot Savant, Awareness)
- Highly lucky

Starting Allocation:
- 1 Strength
- 5 Perception
- 4 Endurance
- 1 Charisma
- 1 Intelligence
- 7 Agility
- 9 Luck
General note regard character build
I think heavy gunner also fits this character but, the price of 4 Str is too high. Also carrying
those big guns all the time just ain't practical to a drifter like Rambo. He probably will occasionally
use a heavy weapon if found, but will toss it right away after use.
Preferred faction, the Minutemen. as a loner, helping remote farms is most to his liking. Also to be ranked General is nice.