Anyway, this is something I had knocking around for a while...I haven't written anything remotely resembling fanfiction in years, unless you count all of those sentences I wrote about the Baltimore Orioles having a season over .500...*rimshot*
It's a serial fanfiction, split between journal entries and some short first-person accounts. Just as in competitive Irish dance, you dance in short bursts, I write in short bursts. I'm not sure if this is good, or a dreadful habit. If it's the latter, I'm sure someone will let me know one way or another.
It takes place 31 years before TES IV: Oblivion, and the goal here is to shed light on something that had always bothered me from the get-go. Just what happened between Earana and Teekeeus? I am not sure, but I have a feeling it was uglier than someone taping over the other person's copy of that day's episode of General Hospital.
I have to say, up front, I am not a loremaster, but I'm trying my best to be accurate. I like doing research, but even I miss things.
3E 402, Hearthfire 27, Morndas
My summer holiday came to an abrupt, and quite rude ending. I had been holed up in Aleswell for three days straight. My mind had finally been neatly liberated from anything even remotely guild related when out of the blue, as I was laying in bed this Morndas morning, I remembered that not only was University back in session, but it had been for at least two weeks.
I blame the Cheydinhal guild for my tardiness. It was their fault, really. I'm not sure why Falcar decided to take up residence in that hall, since he hates the town so much...not to mention everyone living there. Before the end of last semester, he told me that he had to get away from the university. A week later, he was gone. Perhaps he was worried that he wouldn't pass his ranking exams, or perhaps he was sick of the arbitrary rules and choking bureaucracy. Yet, my intuition screams at me- he's up to something. I'm not sure what it is, and I don't intend to find out.
But oh, the pearls! Those blasted pearls....first, he needed twenty. Then it became thirty more. I damn nearly chucked the bag into his face when he told me he required another one hundred and fifty. Perhaps he failed to realize that I had been ripping clams open for three months (wasting my precious holiday time...time I was supposed to be spending in the depths of Sercen)...and right then, Falcar's mouth was beginning to look just like another clam. I counted his teeth. If only he were paying me more than ten septims per pearl- I could have made a fortune then and there.
"But these are all irregular," he argued. "Irregular pearls are less useful." Do you know what else is "less useful"? A guild resident who had his anol-retentive head ripped off and thrown down a well. We then sat up all night in the basemant of the guild hall, grinding pearls into dust. He kept making vague hints at something, putting me at unease. I somehow managed to suppress every instinct screaming at me to bolt for the door. Finally:
"Earana, you have access to the restricted section of the library, right?"
Doesn't he know how many times I am asked this question in one week? "You know I do," I replied, and yes, I knew exactly what he was after. I first job, and the academic year hadn't even started. How tiresome. "What book do you need?"
He named it.
As I said, he's up to something.
So, already, I have a job to do, and this really was the lone factor in my decision to eventually make my way back to the Arcane University. I know Falcar well enough to know that he'll wait for the information- for however long I tell him he has to wait- so I'm taking my sweet time returning.
Sunsets and summers along the Rumare are like no other, after the brisk chill of this Hearthfire dusk, I took one last swim...strapped on those heavy old waders once again, gathered some more pearls and got a nice haul of very round ones.
It's a shame I wasted so much of my holiday. Sercen will have to wait.
Well, thanks for reading. I hope you like what I've done. If not, constructive criticism is always welcome. Even under-bus-throwing is welcome, as long as it is constructive.
This is, as you probably could tell, just the first part in the serial. Each part will have a picture...that's the idea, anyway. Photobucket squishes the images terribly, so I will find a better place for them.