Haven't seen Hungry Donner pipe up in here yet. He's like Methuselah or somebody. He's been here since the Y2K insanity.
I'm coming I'm coming, don't rush me. I guess it's time for the 00 to represent, and if Nevember and Kir aren't up to the task that must leave me.
Behold new members for I am Hungry Donner. He who remembers when elderscrolls.com was a single placeholder image. He who remembers when the developers had normal member accounts. He who remembers when the forum color scheme was orange and black and you did not log in to post. He who posed in the secret forums Forum 8 Name and Forum 9 Name. He who remembers when fishy sticks were handed out by Captain Eldrad alone. He who remembers the duplicity of kathode and his alternate account Mr. X. He who remembers the highly censored developer reports of OH. He who participated in the "no playable Argonians and Khajiit in Morrowind" complaints and witnessed the "no werewolves in Morrowind" meltdown. He who remembers the thread corruption attacks. He who stood next to the mighty Hayt as the General Discussion forum was removed. He who was targeted by the Gay porm Night retaliation for closing GD, thus ensuring it's permanent removal. And He who requested that it's return so many months later be titled Community Discussion!
10 years on a forums. Ouch.

Who's been here the longest and hasn't become a moderator?
And has an extant account? Blackhandjr. And has been active in 2011? ManaUser. This doesn't require a long memory of the forums, all it requires is a member search.

The first non-employee to register on the forums was kathode, who coincidentally would go on to intern at Bethesda, was one of the first two moderators, and was later hired full time (he's now a producer at 343 Industries). I have no clue who the second person was, but for many years Ilnevel was the oldest non-employee account on the forums.