Issue with Dialogue Reponses

Post » Wed May 08, 2013 9:15 pm

I have a really baffling issue that begs the question: is there a limit to how many responses you can have in a topic?

In one of my Quests there is an NPC you must persuade, which includes several options to do so (Persuasion, Bribe, Intimidation, a small Quest or if you have Lockpicking at 65 or higher or are the leader of the Thieves Guild you unlock two additional routes). Everything works fine, except that when I go and artificially raise my Lockpicking, I suddenly don't get the option to Persuade this NPC, nor the option to do the small Quest. This is not because those dialogue choices have conditions that would prevent me from doing so either, as once you've pursued the Lockpicking dialogue you may then pursue the Persuasion dialogue. I suspect, therefore, that there is a limit to the number of characters or a limit to the number of responses you can have in a dialogue menu and I wanted to know if this was true and whether there was a workaround.

EDIT: I'll just confirm that this is the issue: that there is a limit to the number of characters you can have in the topic choices. I suppose that makes sense. Is there any workaround? Or should I simply just trim down on the number of characters used?

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Alexis Estrada
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