I made a mod that adds dialogue lines that can be spoken by almost everyone in Skyrim after the player selects a certain prompt (i.e. just some regular dialogue; player says something and NPC responds). Everything seemed to be working just fine without any issues until recently when a user of my mod mentioned that they had experienced a random encounter with a thief in the wilderness. They used the persuade dialogue and succeeded. The thief spoke the usual dialogue, but then followed that line with a line of dialogue from my mod, without any extra prompt from the player. I was baffled because my mod doesn't touch this quest at all. However, I verified the user's findings myself, which was quite a shock to me. I looked into the random encounter quest in the Creation Kit (WERJ02) and found that the dialogue has "Invisible Continue" checked. After looking at what this does, I wonder if this could be the problem.
My questions are: Am I correct in identifying the reason for the issue, or does the reason lie elsewhere? Is there anything that I can do on my end to prevent this issue?
Any help is really appreciated.