Issue with practise dummy mod

Post » Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:09 am

I've been playing with the following practise dummy mod -

It seems the dummies don't always activate. Sometimes they appear hollow (ie cant hit them) and cause a CTD when I try to activate them. Then sometimes they work as intended.

I've tried the dummies on a new game, there seems to be a 50/50 chance that they will glitch, or be functional as practise dummies. (was testing the wolverine hall dummy using the replacer only plugin)

I wouldn't think it would be a conflict with another mod.

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Justin Hankins
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Post » Sun Sep 20, 2015 11:39 pm

Hey, I've found some time to look into this, and there seems to be nothing wrong in the mod itself. It's possibly a mod conflict. There's a few things you could check to try to track the problem down. First, did you get a warning about my mod requiring a different set of master files? If you're using a different version of the Morrowind esm, instead of removing the old dummies it would throw them on over top and cause all sorts of bugs. Second is to look for any other mod in your load order that could possibly alter the original dummies as well.

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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Sun Sep 20, 2015 10:40 pm

I didn't know you could use a different Morrowind ESM, I'm using the base game install version. But no I didn't get any warning messages. Here's my load order, I removed the dummy mod for the time being. Hope this helps!

Masters for quiksave.ess:
001 Morrowind.esm
002 Tribunal.esm
003 Bloodmoon.esm
004 Morrowind Advanced.esm
005 MCA.esm
006 MPP v1.6.6.esm
007 The Undead.esm
008 Ambushes.esp
009 Unleveled Creatures 2.0.esp
010 QuickCharTR.esp (Version 1.4.3)
011 MW Advanced.esp
012 Weather Effects.esp
013 Rogues.esp
014 k_weather.esp
015 MW Crafting.ESP
016 Sithis.esp
017 Lore Fix.esp
018 GCDLean204STD.esp
019 Satchel.esp
020 Outlaws.esp
023 Books 3.ESP
024 AntaresCreatures.ESP
025 IceWater.ESP
026 Werewolves.esp
028 Gherb.esp
029 Enhanced Economics 2.1.esp
030 SeamlessRM.ESP
031 The Hostiles.esp (Version 1.5)
032 BareNecessities.ESP
033 Regular Pearls.ESP
035 Tong.ESP
036 Farrp_Weapons.esp
037 Lgnpc.ESP
038 MCP Showcase.esp (Version 0.5)
039 NightDoorLocks.esp
040 NX9 Guards.ESP
042 Redesigned Vivec.esp
043 Wilderness Sounds.esp
044 Animated MW.ESP
045 PTE.esp
046 NoM.ESP
047 NoMCraft Patch.esp
048 CreaturesX.esp
049 Mashed Lists.esp

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