This page might help w/using Fraps:
It's easy once you know how it works. Mostly just have it on, set a hotkey and save directory under the Movies tab, start the game, use hotkey.

Using the Camtasia editor - no clue. I suspect it'd be dependent on whether Camtasia "sees" the installed Fraps codec or not. Otherwise I'd suspect it won't be able to read the files. If it doesn't, VirtualDub is a good basic (free) open source editor that will.
200GB for an hour - most of the time but occasionally not. Probably pushing it. Depends a lot on the game and what's going on in the game at any given time, as well as game resolution and all of that. At 1920x1080, full-size, 30fps, 4GB might equal anywhere from 1.5-4 minutes recording time, more or less. Record at half-size if space is a premium.