C2 issues + community contact

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:16 am

they messed up releasing it this early, we should still be playing the demo...but i have faith in crysis2...future patches will make this game perfect! thanks for the update...
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:15 am

i think if we get a statement from crytek telling the truth about sandbox3, cryengine, dx10/11 etc, it would better than saying nothing or lying to us
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Charlotte X
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:34 am

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vjqa1yiFlk this is how crysis 2 in the whole middle east please fix the lag :(
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Chica Cheve
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:58 pm

Please Adam talk with the other people you work with so that they fix the single player and multiplayer ,killer bugs can cause somebody to restart the game all the time and my crash systems :). I love the game allot ,if bugs can be fixed well this will be game of the year for sure just make us customers happy with the product you guys provided to us by fixing its as soon as you can please. I own the PS3 version by the way.

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Amy Gibson
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:09 pm

i think if we get a statement from crytek telling the truth about sandbox3, cryengine, dx10/11 etc, it would better than saying nothing or lying to us

Thank you Adam we all know that your the most active in here. But still your are a moderator and not from Crytek staff and people in here are asking for answers. Now it's been to much, we need offcial Crytek Staff statment or announcement about all what we the customers want to know: dx11, bugs glitches, graphic options, full command controls, better texture etc...

What we want is just an official answer nothing else. A yes you'll get that or even a NO you'll not will be good. All we want is information.
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:51 am

Thanks for right back to us, and it would help if you add on the forum front page is a to do list's and what have been completed from that list. ^^
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Jerry Cox
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:49 am

Where is the anti-cheat????
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Etta Hargrave
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:05 pm

What would be nice to have is an admin tool for the servers. I tried logging into Rcon and it disconnected me right away. Have had 3 hackers on the server.

Also a Crysis 2 Server patch was just released an hour and a half ago. There is one issue that has not been fixed that needs to be addressed and thats the Orbital strike lag. I will post my Support ticket to Hypernia and their response that came in within 5 min later.

My support ticket:

All the players in the server for the last 2 days have reported major lag on the server when someone uses an Orbital strike. This lag lasts in the order of 30 seconds. I have a few ideas as to why but I would like to see what you come up with. I have also experienced this and it happens during or right after an orbital strike AKA the Big laser from the sky. Although you yourself can still mover you may be unable to fire your weapon and everyone else will be frozen still to you but on their screen they are able to move same as you are but you are frozen. Wondering what you can find that could cause this. My theory is not enough bandwidth being allowed to the server in either upload or download or both. Your servers weren't used much during the demo so you couldn't accurately guess the resources needed.

On a side not do you think you could clean out the server log section of the Control center. Its a bit cluttered.

Hypernias Response:


Bandwidth and resources are not a issue. We do not cap or restrict.

Also the servers were just patched about a hour ago and thye full changelog was not posted to us. This may or may not address your issues.

I have dumped your log files as requested.

I am posting these for Crytek to see because it has good information about the issue. Please take note to fix this issue Crytek and I trust you will. BTW this happens constantly after 1 or 2 orbitals have been used on the server.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:05 pm

Fix what your post is very uninformative?
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Danny Blight
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:51 pm

Hoping the same attention and "hard-work" is given to the Console versions too, especially on Xbox 360 and considering this "Collection of Issues Found" here: http://www.gamesas.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=11567

There's need a "Cumulative Patch" ASAP.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:07 am

I just bought the game. And i can't login with gamesas account ... I can login on the website, ( you can see that ), but not in the game ...


What can i do ?
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Jay Baby
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:57 am

I left a few things out of my mile long post. These are really suggestions not bugs.

- Server search filters not saving
- No squad chat
- No way to invite people to squad without them being your friend
- No way to cancel a sent friend request, currently you have to wait for them to accept and then remove them, or leave them, or see if they decline.
- Adding a server to favorites is kind of a mystery until you find the option. This process should be a little smoother.
- Leaderboard ranking as-is is a measure of how much a person plays and not how good they are. KDR and W/L ratio should be options for sorting. The stat is there we just can't sort based on it unless there's some hidden method that I didn't notice (highly possible).

That's about it.. I typed enough in my last post.

P.S. > foxracinginc

this. thank you.

np. It just seems shallow to worry about visuals when there are people suffering from way worse issues. Game destroying issues. Maybe if they disable SLI for a while they will see the real problems. I think the game looks awesome as-is and it definitely isn't so ugly it can't be played. Minecraft: Crysis, do it. I wonder how many diamonds it takes to make a Gauss Rifle...

I have to say +1 to both of your posts. The derank issue is getting extremely irritating. If some of these critical issues aren't fixed very soon I suspect the MP community for this game will be dead within the month. It happened with AVP3 (well plus the paid DLC that was promised for free.) But you get the point.

Crytek's enemy atm is time. If they spend too much time piddling around and their game will be dead in the water sooner then they can blink. I've seen it happen with games and while console gamers are more forgiving, quality comes with this platform. We spend hundreds of dollars a year to be able to play our games so PC gamers expect way more out of them then console gamers.

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Amy Melissa
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:05 am

I just bought the game. And i can't login with gamesas account ... I can login on the website, ( you can see that ), but not in the game ...


What can i do ?

You can read the stickies instead of finding the first topic you see with a bunch of posts to get your answer.
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Lilit Ager
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:54 am

At first I couldnt figure out why I cant connect to a game, at first unofficial servers worked before I enabled port fowarding, After I enabled all the listed TCP and UDP ports I could connect to most Official servers. Then it just stopped connecting to anything, now I think that the problem is the login / account server is over loaded.

I did a small bit of math to ruffly estimate how many people actually connect to those servers to login and register their progress.

The last time I was able to login 8hours ago, there was around 3000 servers listed in the browser, a Small percent of those are empty. so lets say 2580 total servers all of which have 16players in (remember this is a estimate) so. 2580*16 is around 25000. Sounds about right for the first month of the game lets say that their is a range of 25,000 to 40,000 per platform. Being PC, Xbox, PS. That range is now 75,000 to about 140,000 round up on the highend.

If the base servers that all players must connect to inorder to track, update, and configure their player are unable to handle a few hundred thousand connections simultaneously then they should be upgraded.

Seeing as EA is a Fortune500 company in a 8billion dollar industry there should be no excuse for these problems.

I have opened the ports suggested leaving my system open to attack and intrusion.
The Following ports are:
TCP - 80, 443, 64100, 6667, 29900, 2990, 2891
UDP - 27900, 27901, 64100

and still i cant connect to a game, if I do and it doesnt crash my game immediately! I get kicked out after about a minute. If im lucky enough to get into a game and manage some how by the grace of god theres little to no chance that if i leave ill be able to get back into that same game or another one.

If the servers are working, and are not loaded/bogged down then what in the name of all that is good and holy is the problem? I would like to be able to play my game that I spent my money on so I dont feel like I'm being took for a ride. -thats my quote I felt that it pretty much expressed how I feel, if anything. Im glad that crytek is working on the problems I'm sure that I speak for alot of other when I say I just want to play my game.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:09 pm

-Are we still releasing Crysis 2 on 25.03.2011?
-You bet we do
-But the multiplayer is not working...
-I know
-But whole players' community will hate us!
-Don't care I am here just for money.
Lol'd in real life.
I am not someone who says :"Whoa, GRAPPPHIIICCS, I buy it". I am playing some other "graphic-less" games and enjoy them to the fullest. Of course, I enjoy graphic, too, but that's not the main thing for me! And Crysis 2 is IMO a high-graphic-game, so why does someone return it, just because he wants the graphics EVEN BETTER? I don't understand. Just because the graphics COULD be better, you don't have to say that the graphics are ugly.. o_o"
For the issues : Just fix them, that's enough. I can wait (if it's not too long). ;-3
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:12 am

Where is the anti-cheat????
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Horse gal smithe
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:48 pm

For what was in bold: How do you find it hard? You click a server, hit info, then "add to fav's". It's REALLY simple. Even a monkey could figure that out... Plus other games are like that as well, in some sort of similar manner.

Didn't say it was hard.. said it should be smoother. Add to favorites button would be nice. Was only suggesting it should be out in the open on the main interface not in a sub-menu. Also that is the only way I know you can add one at the moment is through the info. What if you use quick match and don't know exactly what server you're on? Or you're in a squad and don't know which one your leader joined? If you decide it's a nice server.. oh well... figure it out, right? :) Deep thought goes into pretty much anything I say. When there's 1000 servers add to favorites option is something people enjoy, I just wanted to suggest they make it more accessible.
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Nathan Hunter
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:21 am

that joke was stinkin hilarious... don't you dare apologize!!
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Andrea Pratt
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:54 am

Here's a question that has been asked over and over and over again:

When are we getting DirectX 10/11 support?
We were told that the game would be using DirectX 11, but what we got was 2 versions below that without even the slightest mention.

People have been begging for any sort of statement regarding this. The game is not what was promised.

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Peter lopez
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:31 am

I have to say +1 to both of your posts. The derank issue is getting extremely irritating. If some of these critical issues aren't fixed very soon I suspect the MP community for this game will be dead within the month. It happened with AVP3 (well plus the paid DLC that was promised for free.) But you get the point.

Crytek's enemy atm is time. If they spend too much time piddling around and their game will be dead in the water sooner then they can blink. I've seen it happen with games and while console gamers are more forgiving, quality comes with this platform. We spend hundreds of dollars a year to be able to play our games so PC gamers expect way more out of them then console gamers.

yep. I didn't buy the original Crysis until wayyyy later. As in maybe 6 months ago. I always assumed my PC couldn't handle it to be honest. I was worried for nothing because even though I don't have the best stuff from 2011, my hardware is pretty badass for 2007. With that said - I love Crysis' multiplayer sadly there are only a few servers with people still on them these days. I'd hate to see Crysis 2 be that dead so soon when their original took quite a while to die. This game definitely isn't Crysis, but it's still a very enjoyable and unique MP experience. Lack of DX11 won't kill this game but those critical game breaking issues sure will for a large % of people. I'm glad there's a few that have agreed with me.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:16 am

When are we getting DirectX 10/11 support?

stop it.
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Sasha Brown
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:12 pm

When are we getting DirectX 10/11 support?

stop it.

I see no reason to.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:23 am

Re: C2 issues + community contact 03 26, 2011 /05:38

SonicVolcano wrote:

"Thanks, Cry-Adam. Really appreciate it. There are still enough people who have faith in Crytek, I'm sure. Me included."

Bobbyguns wrote:

Man your a nice guy, I would love to sell you are car with no engine or battery at full price, and give you what you need to run the car later. I would make so much money like this need more customers like you!


SonicVolcano wrote:
I'm able to air my frustration and disappointment in RP English. Some users, however, tend to overreact and dramatise the current situation overusing the F-word and the like. I don't find this necessary and rather support Crytek in the best way possible. I like the car metaphor, though I have to decline your offer :-)

Bobbyguns wrote:

I might not be the best at airing out my frustration when some one takes my money and gives me something broke, but I am good at knowing when SOME ONE WORKS FOR CRYTEK when they post love letters to them after releasing a MP game that has no MP in it ...... Here is something nice for you look below

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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:34 pm

I guess the customers who had buy this BETA product should get some "appologies" (phisical NOT verbal). CRYTEK should figure out something. And btw: our patience is near to the end. Monday i will return this product if you dont solve the problems. I HAVE NOT PAID FOR FRICKING PROBLEMS AND HEADACHES! (excuse my english)

this is one little example :

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:27 am

Thank you for the update. The more info the better since there are several things people are wondering about, myself included
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Adrian Powers
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