C2 issues + community contact

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:27 am

Thank you for taking this into consideration:

- Improved anti cheats, already a lot of cheater.
- In the list of servers, display servers protect against the cheat.
- Improve the display speed servers and accuracy of information.
- Put a button to update a single server and not all.
- When you receive an invitation to accept or reject notification directly below.
- Reduce latency
- Fix some texture problem or balls not pass through example.

- Integrating a console / menu to manage its server ingame.
- Provide documentation to manage its server.

Add this:

- Supports DX11
- Executable 64Bits
- Sandbox 3
- Files for dedicated servers to host either the even server.
- Create a LAN party in the game directly.
- An "match/promod" option for the competitions in order to adapt the best methods.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:56 am

When are we getting DirectX 10/11 support?

stop it.

I see no reason to.

Because there are far more important things.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:40 pm

stop it.

I see no reason to.

Because there are far more important things.

That is very true, but it does not make what I said untrue. The problems keeping people from playing and the cheaters are indeed more important, but this still requires attention. Though unlike those problems that require urgent action, all this requires is a simple answer. I just want to know if it IS coming at all, and their best guess regarding WHEN.

It IS something that is asked very often, and it IS something that Crytek needs to communicate with us about. So far their communication on many issues has been terrible.
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Cesar Gomez
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:42 am

Ok, i'll wait for the gamesas account fix. The only thing I am still interested in: It did cause problems in the Demo... why didnt you fix it already befor the game was released? its not an offensive question, im just interested how this could have happened...

Still, the SP and the Graphix are stunning! You erased 90% of my per-release-anger! Lets hope you can make it 100% in the next few days...
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Franko AlVarado
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:05 am

Is it so hard to tell us why we PC gamers didn′t get DX11?
I'm just taking a wild swing here, but my guess is that EA pushed for the release (already been speculated, I know), and crytek cant tell us that for obvious reasons

What I keep hearing is that EA set the release date of every game really tight for developers so that they can then envoke "crunch time" (free overtime).
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Laura Richards
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:13 am

That is very true, but it does not make what I said untrue. The problems keeping people from playing and the cheaters are indeed more important, but this still requires attention. Though unlike those problems that require urgent action, all this requires is a simple answer. I just want to know if it IS coming at all, and their best guess regarding WHEN.

It IS something that is asked very often, and it IS something that Crytek needs to communicate with us about. So far their communication on many issues has been terrible.

It's coming I'm sure unless they canceled their deal with nvidia.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:10 pm

Will there be a patch for the story which is right down pathetic and a disgusting gayfest that tries to hard to be epic yet it fails miserably?
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Roisan Sweeney
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:40 am

another bug which may not be known.

Grendel single shot isn't silenced with silencer equipped. Of course I only know how it sounds locally - whether the dot shows up on enemy radar when firing with single shot, I don't know.
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Emilie Joseph
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:07 am

Ok, i'll wait for the gamesas account fix. The only thing I am still interested in: It did cause problems in the Demo... why didnt you fix it already befor the game was released? its not an offensive question, im just interested how this could have happened...

Still, the SP and the Graphix are stunning! You erased 90% of my per-release-anger! Lets hope you can make it 100% in the next few days...

The only problem with C2 its the MP bugs, bugs which Crytek can solve in the next days and there will be a epic game.
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Alina loves Alexandra
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:34 am

guys just dont sand so much post so that they can fix the problems
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Eduardo Rosas
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:44 pm

I dont understand why everyone has so much hate. It takes ALOT of work to make games this beautiful. Yea it's not be fully operational at the moment, but so are ALOT of games on launch. I have some issues with flickering and CFX, but nothing stops me from playing.

To everyone complaining, put up or shut up.
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Jamie Lee
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:43 pm

How is direct X 11 going to improve on this game? It is a run & gun console game. If you were expecting more then you haven't been keeping up with the trends. PC games used to be released before the consoles now they just release PC games to take your money. Look at the trend in Play4Free. You only get the good kit if you spend real money. They know you will spend if they put it out there. Why do you think there is a store built into this game. They don't have to read the forums. They are at the bank with your money.

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:13 am

guys just dont sand so much post so that they can fix the problems

I assumed the tasks were delegated to different individuals.
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jaideep singh
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:38 am

Good to see you guys are working on it. But if you guys are planning on leaving the game non-mod friendly then let us know please.
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Damien Mulvenna
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:02 am

I dont understand why everyone has so much hate. It takes ALOT of work to make games this beautiful. Yea it's not be fully operational at the moment, but so are ALOT of games on launch. I have some issues with flickering and CFX, but nothing stops me from playing.

To everyone complaining, put up or shut up.

offcourse we're complaining, 'cause we not get what we paid for...
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:09 am

lol dude your comment is ****, you need to take your own advice and shut the **** up. cos i dunno about you but i dont have money falling out of my arse.. so when i pay for a game i expect is to work, im not asking for much, im not even too bothered about the fact there is no sandbox editor or the fact that it was promised DX11 and it was a no show, what i am bothered about is the fact that the game doesnt **** work how it was meant to! There are so many bugs/glitches and i really dont even want to mention the multiplayer (that was the main reason i bought this game in the first place) cos that svcks ass the most.

ALL in all this game has been rushed!! so much so it is barely playable.. I understand that every game has teething problems but imo this is a total piss-take on EA and CRYTEK's behalf, i would recommend that everyone who is not happy with this game should seek to get a refund immediatly, as you have 7 working days to ask for a refund without infringing on your statutory rights, if they decline go to the credit card/bank and revoke the payment from there...
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Sista Sila
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:02 pm

why the smile at the end?
there's nothing to smile about.
Removed the smile, sorry.

Well isn't that a little rude ? I know that everyone is angry including me, I still can't believe that I paid 60$ for this totally broken product (Specially multiplayer) but I think we should be positive and look at the good side. Atleast he's trying to contact us plus he said himself that there are some complaints about community contact which in turn means they are actually looking at complaints.

And I think the smile he posted was in context that they will stay in touch with us via announcements. I was also pissed in the start and made some rash posts but to be honest this kind of attitude from us won't achieve anything. If they won't do anything they'll loose an entire community which is not good for their future products I think they know that.

Be patient and give them some time.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:26 am

It's funny ya know....

They make this thread saying that they are responding to people, and that there are just so many threads that we don't notice it(which we all know is ****). Yet, they haven't ever responded to any of the questions from us in the thread that says they are being responsive and active in the community.....

I think this proves out point.

I mean I can understand a game having problems upon launch... And usually I'm the guy saying "give it time guys, the problems will be fixed soon enough"..... but not being able to play a game that we bought nearly a week ago now, and having no official statements from the developer saying:

#1. What exactly they are working on.


#2. How long it's going to be before we can play the damn game we all dropped 50-60 bucks on. I understand they don't have an exact time when things will be working... But an estimated time of arrival for some patches would be superb.

With them ignoring all these points, it leads me to believe they are in pretty deep, and don't know if they even can... or how long it's going to take, to dig themselves out. Something isn't right. If there wasn't something odd going on, they would be putting out official statements left and right about the issues and what they are doing to fix them, and estimates of when the patches will be done.

At this point... Screw Dx11 that everyone is crying about. It's **** that they said it would be there and it isn't.... but it doesn't really matter if you can't play the game, due to some crazy issue that thinks your not connected to the internet the second you get into a match. Especially after taking 5-10 min to find an unranked server. lol.

This is becoming a huge joke.

I love the game, and I want to play it. Especially since It takes me a whole 8 hours at a pizza place, working my ass of for $7.75, to be able to afford a $60 game....

Step up to the play Crytek, and be MEN about this. Not the little girls your playing now, hiding under the covers from the big scary Boogey Man knocking on your closet door, AKA: Your fans/Customers.

Talk to us. Let us know EXACTLY whats going on. What to expect. When will we be able to hold a connection? When will we be able to play RANKED matches for those who don't lose connection every 3 min? When will our stats not get reset after a match is done? Which of the above are you actually looking into?

Stop saying that your telling us these things, and we just aren't noticing. That's bull, and you know it as well as I do. Talk to your community... After all, if we weren't here, you would be unemployed. haha. Come Crisis 3, that very well may be the case, with the way your handling your community now.

If you answer so many questions, and are so active on the forums.... Than you shouldn't have ANY problems answering mine... and I think I've got most of them covered... AND HEY.... It's in a thread most of us are watching closely!!! So you won't have to worry about ALL OF US who are here daily, missing all the posts you make, to the point where we think your ignoring us anymore! A good bit of us will see it.....

So heres your chance....


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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:44 pm

Thanks also from Italy. I'll wait the patches and then I'll play the game. My copy of Crysis 2 is ready and activated but I prefer play the game with all features. I hope for dx11 patch as soon as possible. Bye :)
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Kelli Wolfe
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:39 pm

I pity the folks at Crytec. They build a brilliant game with possible the best single-player campaign ever made, and then they fall and get all this hate for not getting their online databases sorted out...

Yes they should have done more before release, and probably should have delayed the PC game for a few weeks and extended the demo so they could patch everything before the hyped release, but I trust Crytec enough that it will get sorted ASAP. Untill then, I'll stick with the single player.

The only problem I'm quite worried about is that I deleted my gamesas account and made a new one to play the multiplayer, but it won't let me re-redeem my Steam preorder code again. Could you please fix it so I can get access to my extras?
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Catharine Krupinski
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:56 am

Ye twothirtys3v3n you absolutly right. And you know what if they don't let us to know what is going on I don't want to know about them either. I will never ever by anything from them. Guys with such a big expieriences in the bussines and they act like politicans. They become so arogant and they think they will go can go away with things like that. Shame really shame. No need for savings like that, ye save your dollars now because you will never see one from me. I am going to unistall the game and bin it. :( I don't care about your patches. The game is not working and you shoudn't sell products like that. Simple!!!
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Philip Rua
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:18 pm

Hi everyone,

We've been noticing some complaints about not being in touch with the community in regards to current issues with Crysis 2 and the purpose of this thread is to assure that we are working hard on resolving these issues as quickly as possible.

The reason it appears as though we're not keeping in touch is we reply to 1 thread and another 50 threads get put up straight afterwards. It is not humanly possible for us to post in even half of the threads that are being created, let alone most/all of them. To give an indication on how quickly threads are buried, this forum was created 4 days ago and there's now 1600+ threads and 12000+ posts. This amount of activity is great but it makes it difficult to communicate everything without having 20 stickies in each forum.

Please remain patient while we resolve these issues, we know a lot of you are very eager to jump in and play some games and we don't want to stop you from doing that at all. As soon as we've got any information we'll let you know via announcements, as always.

That's the entire problem here. You DO NOT fix technical issues with forum posts. Where did they even get the thought that using a forum as opposed to ACTUAL Technical Support would be a good idea??
Day after day, week after week, it's the same thing. "We're working on it" and "Please be patient". I don't know about the rest of you, but my patience ran out when the Demo ended, and I still hadn't had the chance to try the game because of the issues.
The facts here are obvious. Crytek is refusing to provide the Technical Support that customers deserve. They want everyone to be satisfied with a few forum posts promising fixes that never materialize.
Had they taken the time to actually contact one of the customers who is having problems, and inspect that customer's situation, they might have found and fixed their problems. Unfortunately, however, they have chosen to sit back in their offices in Germany, and watch the money roll in, while people who have spent $70.00 or more on this fiasco look at their PC's and wonder if they'll ever get a chance to play. What is even more disturbing, is that you people are sitting there BUYING this line of crap!
I play LOTS of games, online and otherwise. Yes, I have seen games that needed patching after release, but in ALL cases, those games I could log into and play. Maybe it had glitches that the patches fixed, but at least you could play them to a point.
I find it unconscionable that they have released this game, which THOUSANDS of people bought and can't play, and all they can say is "be patient"!
I encourage EVERYONE in the gaming community to stand up and say "Enough is Enough!"
Return this piece of crap and get your money back! If and when they finally get it working, you can always purchase it again (although I have no idea why you would WANT to after the way Crytek has treated us thus far).
Contact legal professionals and check into the possibility of a Class Action Law Suit! It truly sickens me to see people comment on here defending these people for ripping us off!
Personally, I have e-mailed politicians asking for laws to be passed to prevent this kind of thing from happening again in my country, Canada.
As long as you sit there doing nothing about this, other Game Companies are going to do the same thing to us! I can foresee a time when purchasing Software titles will become a "crap shoot". We'll bring home a game, install it, and then cross our fingers and HOPE it actually works!
I can remember a time when Banks actually paid you to come open an account with them. They offered free gifts, or higher interest rates on your savings, just to get you in the door. Then they started charging "service charges". No one said or did anything. Now when you open a bank account in Canada, we pay the banks $20-$30 each month for the privilege of allowing them to make more money off of our savings.
If we don't stand up NOW, and let the manufacturers know that we won't stand for this kind of behavior, it will continue to get worse over time.
When the day comes that you buy a game, and then wait 6 months for a patch to play it, you will have no one to blame but yourself!
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:29 am

If we paid $60 for a game we can not play, we at LEAST get the rights to bich on the forum. At least that's worth $60 over this crap game.
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Logan Greenwood
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:13 am

Thankyou for your post , and I understand all to well how over loaded ANY support system of ANY large scale consumer based product can be . Keep on keeping on and hopefully The end result will be community needs will not fall on deaf ears above your paygrade .

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Mari martnez Martinez
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:13 am

why the smile at the end?
there's nothing to smile about.

You just flamed him because he made a smiley? C'mon Mr. UMad.

Crysis 2 is a good game. There's a nice story and the MP isn't bad. Sure I'm angry because CryTek told we would have SandBox and DX11. The MP isn't very playable atm but this will be fixed too. Also SandBox and DX11 will be released. I don't know why everyone of you flames about the game. It's awesome. I just can tell you GTFO if you can't wait 5 days for a patch.
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