» Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:18 pm
Hi everyone,
We've been noticing some complaints about not being in touch with the community in regards to current issues with Crysis 2 and the purpose of this thread is to assure that we are working hard on resolving these issues as quickly as possible.
The reason it appears as though we're not keeping in touch is we reply to 1 thread and another 50 threads get put up straight afterwards. It is not humanly possible for us to post in even half of the threads that are being created, let alone most/all of them. To give an indication on how quickly threads are buried, this forum was created 4 days ago and there's now 1600+ threads and 12000+ posts. This amount of activity is great but it makes it difficult to communicate everything without having 20 stickies in each forum.
Please remain patient while we resolve these issues, we know a lot of you are very eager to jump in and play some games and we don't want to stop you from doing that at all. As soon as we've got any information we'll let you know via announcements, as always.
That's the entire problem here. You DO NOT fix technical issues with forum posts. Where did they even get the thought that using a forum as opposed to ACTUAL Technical Support would be a good idea??
Day after day, week after week, it's the same thing. "We're working on it" and "Please be patient". I don't know about the rest of you, but my patience ran out when the Demo ended, and I still hadn't had the chance to try the game because of the issues.
The facts here are obvious. Crytek is refusing to provide the Technical Support that customers deserve. They want everyone to be satisfied with a few forum posts promising fixes that never materialize.
Had they taken the time to actually contact one of the customers who is having problems, and inspect that customer's situation, they might have found and fixed their problems. Unfortunately, however, they have chosen to sit back in their offices in Germany, and watch the money roll in, while people who have spent $70.00 or more on this fiasco look at their PC's and wonder if they'll ever get a chance to play. What is even more disturbing, is that you people are sitting there BUYING this line of crap!
I play LOTS of games, online and otherwise. Yes, I have seen games that needed patching after release, but in ALL cases, those games I could log into and play. Maybe it had glitches that the patches fixed, but at least you could play them to a point.
I find it unconscionable that they have released this game, which THOUSANDS of people bought and can't play, and all they can say is "be patient"!
I encourage EVERYONE in the gaming community to stand up and say "Enough is Enough!"
Return this piece of crap and get your money back! If and when they finally get it working, you can always purchase it again (although I have no idea why you would WANT to after the way Crytek has treated us thus far).
Contact legal professionals and check into the possibility of a Class Action Law Suit! It truly sickens me to see people comment on here defending these people for ripping us off!
Personally, I have e-mailed politicians asking for laws to be passed to prevent this kind of thing from happening again in my country, Canada.
As long as you sit there doing nothing about this, other Game Companies are going to do the same thing to us! I can foresee a time when purchasing Software titles will become a "crap shoot". We'll bring home a game, install it, and then cross our fingers and HOPE it actually works!
I can remember a time when Banks actually paid you to come open an account with them. They offered free gifts, or higher interest rates on your savings, just to get you in the door. Then they started charging "service charges". No one said or did anything. Now when you open a bank account in Canada, we pay the banks $20-$30 each month for the privilege of allowing them to make more money off of our savings.
If we don't stand up NOW, and let the manufacturers know that we won't stand for this kind of behavior, it will continue to get worse over time.
When the day comes that you buy a game, and then wait 6 months for a patch to play it, you will have no one to blame but yourself!