C2 issues + community contact

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:33 pm

Thanks for the heads up Cry-Adam, now that we got some notification from you guys i hope the incoherent rage will slow down a little. I'm happy to hear that you guys are working on solutions to our game and i can understand why the community section is overflowing in posts and topics. So how about you keep the smile and keep us up to date when you got something :)
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Marine x
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:38 am

Honestly, I would just appreciate an official sticky announcement on DX11. As of right now, the game looks great...not incredible. I'm even ok not having DX11 right away but Crytek promised DX11 and it's not in the game. If it's on its way, sticky that. I personally feel that it is on its way, but at this point it's really only speculation for us.

Even with the official statement that DX11 would be in the game, we can't be sure if that was just revoked, etc. Sticky it! One sentence!
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A Boy called Marilyn
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:30 am

why cant they just be straight up with us.

DX11 when
Fixes when

not "they are being worked on" thats like saying eh we know bout them but we'll fix em when we have time.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:54 pm

The reason it appears as though we're not keeping in touch is we reply to 1 thread and another 50 threads get put up straight afterwards.

Put in a dev tracker then. That way if anyone wants the answer to a question, they can check that first to see if some Crytek employee has answered it.

It's just a simple matter of programming, right?
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Jeffrey Lawson
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:13 am

There are so many trolls (or just assholes) on this thread that it makes me sick to the stomach. None of you that are raging (or writing essays) on how much you despise Cry-Adam/Crytek/EA even deserve to be playing Crysis 2 right now. You should all have your precious rigs smashed with a hammer and thrown out.
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james tait
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:11 am

This is their way of saying they're not saying anything. Wonderful, like we really needed to be told what we already know.
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City Swagga
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:31 am

This is their way of saying they're not saying anything. Wonderful, like we really needed to be told what we already know.

BINGO! But at least they finally gave an official statement to that effect.
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Hella Beast
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:38 am

Dunno for the PC version, but please, keep in mind this list for the 360 version:

If you have any issue you found while playing Multiplayer, Campaign or even using the Main Menu, just reply to the topic using the quote format at the bottom of this post and ill add them.

DISCLAIMER: These may or may not be what I'm experiencing, but what others are experiencing. And it only applies to issues found in the Xbox 360 Version of the game.

  • Freezing Issues (Commonly 'Sudden Impact') - Original Topic
  • AI Movement Issues - Such as moving in circles or into walls - AI Movement Issue Video
  • Supersoldier Achievement Not Unlocking after Completion - (Many Have Reported this issue and it is highly needed to be fixed)
  • Sometimes JAW Rockets Disappear - {Needs More Information or Topic}
  • Unable to Reload/Use JAW Rocket Launcher - Caused by switching weapons after reload

  • Uncontrollable (Self-Repeating) Music - Discussion Topic - Found while completing a match and the music plays twice but louder. I also found this while activated Maximum Nanosuit and had ended but the music had kept playing 2 minutes after. {Became a huge issue within all of multiplayer, happens everywhere.}
  • Placeholder TEXT - I encountered this once in a loading screen. {Somewhat Rare}
  • Tagging and Bagging Skill assessment - Corpse Crouching Detection not correctly working?
  • Search for Games via Locale(ie: North America, Europe.), Local Locale(ie Canada, United States) and Worldwide.
  • Games wont start sometimes - Presents Retrieving Session Details (Found in Team Instant Action; Standard) Timelapse Video
  • Squad Leader Boot - When Squad Leaders leave the game they take whoever was in there party with him, can cause inconveniences.
  • Alone after Host Migration - (Can cause boosting under objective matches like Capture the Relay, Extraction and so on.) - (Crytek FIX: Maybe when only one left the game ends?)
  • Poor Host Selection - Causes Poor Hit Detection and Movement to be intoxicating.
  • Performance after Orbital Strike is Called - Mostly Particle Aftermath!
  • No Hand Reloading Animations - Possibly Lag or Animations out of sync?
  • Playlists sometimes transfer players to other playlists on some occasions
  • Party/Squad Split Up - There are instances where the party is still split up.
  • Grendel when Single Shot is not suppressed - Tested in Private Match and its confirmed.
  • Initial Spawn Points on TIA are too close to other Team
  • Accepting a Invite while loading causes game to lock up
  • Weapon Unlocks being "eaten" - Occurs on K-Volt SMG - Original Topic
  • Grenade Launcher Fixed Zoom? - Youtube Video

    Main Menu/Settings
    • Alternate Button Layout Broken - Confirmed - (The second sniper zoom is also still mapped to the RS while it should be mapped to B. This is causing issues with crouching and changing zooms at the same time.)
    • Joining Session in Progress but no spots are available.
    • Controller Response? - Needs more reports for clarification
    • Rank 50 Achievement Awarded but still Rank 1? - Unknown Cause
  • Film Grain Option? - Causes distortion or issues from what I'm seeing
  • Leaving while the game counter to start match ends.

    Overall Game (Both Modes)
  • Grain/Static Bug - Original Topic
  • Weapon Disappears after sliding into water
  • Weapon Remains in Sliding Animation after Sliding

And I add:

-Framerate issues and drops in almost every Campaign combat scenario.

Thank you...
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:16 am

Hey, Crytek, just got a few bugs I noticed. First, after replaying the game, Nano catalyst points would not save. It would say I got them during my 2nd playthrough, but the menu says I have 0 catalyst points. I can still use the mods i bought on my first playthrough, but the second's points aren't being recorded so I cant buy any new ones. Also, when you wake up after getting invaded by the spores the first time, where you kick off the little svcker guys, I always get an invisible gun. My hands are there, holding the gun, but I can't see it nor the crosshair. A switch of weps fixes it but its something you might want to check. Also, I commonly get these weapon locks, where I can't do anything with the weapon im holding. Once again, a switch fixes it but it becomes fatal in intense moments. Anyway, love the game. FIx some bugs and it'll be great.

Edit: Also, I noticed that when you bring your gun down from down the sights, it is very slow. As in I'll click the right mouse, and a second later my guy will bring the gun down. Its a bit annoying how slow it is, not sure how this helps but yeah. Just another thing you may want to fix.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:07 am

There are so many trolls (or just assholes) on this thread that it makes me sick to the stomach. None of you that are raging (or writing essays) on how much you despise Cry-Adam/Crytek/EA even deserve to be playing Crysis 2 right now. You should all have your precious rigs smashed with a hammer and thrown out.
And you should throw your console out.
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WYatt REed
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:16 pm

There are so many trolls (or just assholes) on this thread that it makes me sick to the stomach. None of you that are raging (or writing essays) on how much you despise Cry-Adam/Crytek/EA even deserve to be playing Crysis 2 right now. You should all have your precious rigs smashed with a hammer and thrown out.
And you should throw your console out.

I was a PC gamer for years, and only bought a 360 this recent October. You know what? It's better. I just plug my game in and play. I no longer have to worry about tweaking silly settings, installing patches/fixes/configs, or about going onto forums and sorting through posts like yours before I find an answer to my problem(s). Sure, I still enjoy gaming on the PC (why else would I buy Crysis 2 for it?), but the community tends to be filled with ass-clowns that seem to have their dike glued to their $1500 rig, which was usually paid for by their parents.

I mean, seriously - the game hasn't been out for a week and people are going ape-**** crazy all over this blasted forum about how their game isn't working. Big **** deal! It's just a game. I went out downhill skiing today, then went to see a play, then came back and saw that you people are still here biching about some stupid server issues and whatnot. Go out and enjoy life for a week while all of these issues are fixed, then come back and enjoy your game. It's ridiculous how immature some of these people are.
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Crystal Birch
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:07 am

There are so many trolls (or just assholes) on this thread that it makes me sick to the stomach. None of you that are raging (or writing essays) on how much you despise Cry-Adam/Crytek/EA even deserve to be playing Crysis 2 right now. You should all have your precious rigs smashed with a hammer and thrown out.

I agree with you 100%.

Crytek have delivered a technically proficient and cerebral single player campaign on 3, very different, platforms. I understand there are a myriad of issues on each platform. But I think this feat alone is worth praise.

Crytek have made a game that is not dumb. Which is too, another feat worth praise. Especially compared to a lot of other FPS on the market.

I would prefer a game that is great, but with some rough edges, than a game that is a polished turd.

There's nothing wrong with saying, "I paid my money for Crysis 2 and I expect it to work as advertised." But there's a way to go about that. Use some tact and discretion! Although I trust Crytek to act professionally, this thread as evidence of that, I would wonder why they would want to resolve all these issues when a great majority of the community act like entitled brats.

I, for one, Thank you Cry-Adam for the acknowledgement of our concerns.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:22 am

I thank Cry-Adam for the update :)

^ Yes, that's a god-damn smiley
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:27 am

Tyvm for this post.

The dark tunnel has just had a light turn on at the end of it for me.

I wish nothing but the best luck for the guys working on the next patch for the issues stated.

May the road ahead be paved and straight for you all.

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:05 am

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:39 am

oh for cryin out loud Lemon. stfu. It's the weekend. duh.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:33 pm

Lemon, that post is the epitome of fail.

Or should I say, "epidamy"? Spell like a moron, like you?
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John Moore
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:51 am


Look jackass there trying the best they can to get it resolved sure it might take some time but i would rather let them take there time to release a clean patch than a botched patch that didn't do anything so stfu get some hotpockets and go watch a barbie movie like the little girl you are.
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lucy chadwick
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:57 pm

I have an issue when trying to play Multiplayer. On the main menu, when I clikc Multiplayer, it freezes for like a sec then the whole game crashes with a CryEngine error among the lines: Deleting Reference COunted Object Twice. Because of this I cannot play the multiplayer, but I can play the singleplayer. Whats a fix for this?
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:55 pm

i have 60 us$ burning in my pocket to buy the game but i wont till dx 10 or 11 are announce for this game !!!!
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:07 am

There are so many trolls (or just assholes) on this thread that it makes me sick to the stomach. None of you that are raging (or writing essays) on how much you despise Cry-Adam/Crytek/EA even deserve to be playing Crysis 2 right now. You should all have your precious rigs smashed with a hammer and thrown out.

I agree with you 100%.

Crytek have delivered a technically proficient and cerebral single player campaign on 3, very different, platforms. I understand there are a myriad of issues on each platform. But I think this feat alone is worth praise.

Crytek have made a game that is not dumb. Which is too, another feat worth praise. Especially compared to a lot of other FPS on the market.

I would prefer a game that is great, but with some rough edges, than a game that is a polished turd.

There's nothing wrong with saying, "I paid my money for Crysis 2 and I expect it to work as advertised." But there's a way to go about that. Use some tact and discretion! Although I trust Crytek to act professionally, this thread as evidence of that, I would wonder why they would want to resolve all these issues when a great majority of the community act like entitled brats.

I, for one, Thank you Cry-Adam for the acknowledgement of our concerns.

That's easy to say when YOU have a working copy............
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Jaylene Brower
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:59 am

What I expected when I came across C2 was the same game as C1 only better. I wanted an open sandbox world with a huge amount to explore. In C1 you where given a mission and you decided how to go about it. Not just different ways to use the suit but you could come at an objective from any angle. Above, below (in the water). Behind from a dirt path you spent 5 minutes following out in the middle of the jungle etc. You could collapse an entire structure on to your targets. It was really open world. The game itself was Awesome and is still a great favorite of mine to this day. Crysis 2 could have been great. Import the entire Google earth map of down town NY and go play in it during a huge alien invasion.

I wanted them to take full advantage of my (2) gtx480 and my quad core cpu and new SD HD. instead you made something that also had to run on 5 year old console hardware. Hey! Why stop there? You could have made more money if you made it able to run on PS2 and XBOX I sure there are still plenty of them out there!

What I got was one of the most scripted dumber down single player campaigns I can remember that in no way is any different that most of the stuff that I have seen recently on consoles.

If you’re a console player then this is probably an on par game for you and I would recommend it. If you’re a real gamer that has played C1 and been part of the modding community for it you need to stay as far away from this title as you can.

Frostbit, Cry engine are looking really good I hope that some of your team can really do something worth our time in the future with it!

No amount of patching is going to be able to make the game even remotely as good as C1.

Cytec sold out to the kiddies and can’t really be taken as a PC gamer’s game.

WE (pc game enthusiast) build uber rigs with our hard earned cash. We gravitate towards developers that understand this, Horner our investment and support our communities.

The reason this title offends us so much is that you where one of the companies that we held in such high regard. You have insulted us greatly with this offering in more ways than just a poor buggy release. This game is fundamentally different than the Jewel that was Crysis 1 and completely in line with all the other boxed in console shooters. We can see how you caved to consoles and there kiddy gamers to make money. You must have had very heated discussions in your development team meeting as this was being produced and the direction you were going became clear. I suspect and truly hope that you end up losing the talented people that brought us crysis 1.

I was able to return my copy to Target for in store credit or a full refund. You do not deserve my money at this point.

Good day to you sir! Good day!
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:13 am

The reason this title offends us so much is that you where one of the companies that we held in such high regard. You have insulted us greatly with this offering in more ways than just a poor buggy release. This game is fundamentally different than the Jewel that was Crysis 1 and completely in line with all the other boxed in console shooters. We can see how you caved to consoles and there kiddy gamers to make money. You must have had very heated discussions in your development team meeting as this was being produced and the direction you were going became clear


im happy for console gamers who got a great game for 'them" something that no other have offered them but we PC players have been backstabbed and cheated i just hope that we are all wrong and they fix it graphically and all the others bugs there is nothing else to do about open sandbox and destructibility
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:14 pm

@ RussianFlame

I know Crytek is trying to fix things and I appreciate that but for the console idiots like you, who are coming here and trying to show us what is right and what is wrong, know the fact that we have played Crysis 1 and we know how much Crysis 2 suffered in terms of quality thanks to puny console hardware.

If you don't like playing with PC settings thats your problem or maybe you are not technical enough to play with those settings, but real PC gamers like these advanced settings because their systems can easily handle them, things get over simplified for consoles because that good for nothing console hardware cannot handle new technology or advanced settings. Its a piece of hardware for casual gamer not for hardcoe gamers.

1500$ or 3000$ rig that's our problem you stick with your consoles and your side of forum discussion.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:45 am

its to imply friendliness
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