» Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:16 am
Hey, Crytek, just got a few bugs I noticed. First, after replaying the game, Nano catalyst points would not save. It would say I got them during my 2nd playthrough, but the menu says I have 0 catalyst points. I can still use the mods i bought on my first playthrough, but the second's points aren't being recorded so I cant buy any new ones. Also, when you wake up after getting invaded by the spores the first time, where you kick off the little svcker guys, I always get an invisible gun. My hands are there, holding the gun, but I can't see it nor the crosshair. A switch of weps fixes it but its something you might want to check. Also, I commonly get these weapon locks, where I can't do anything with the weapon im holding. Once again, a switch fixes it but it becomes fatal in intense moments. Anyway, love the game. FIx some bugs and it'll be great.
Edit: Also, I noticed that when you bring your gun down from down the sights, it is very slow. As in I'll click the right mouse, and a second later my guy will bring the gun down. Its a bit annoying how slow it is, not sure how this helps but yeah. Just another thing you may want to fix.