C2 issues + community contact

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:10 am

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:33 am

Could have at least commented on WHICH problems you're aware of and which ones you're fixing.

I **** hate it when companies release beta's as their official release and let their consumers "test" it for them.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:58 pm

Noticing some complaints... what the hell where you expecting when releasing a bug ridden BETA version of a game. Why should we remain patient when we have paid top dollar for a game which nowhere near resembles a well written game, the only thing you are interested in is $$$ on release day. Get your act together!!!!!!!!!! Typical arrogant lasy game developer, sell yourself out to the console market and expect PC users to bend over and take it.

I mean seriously how the F%ck can you even be proud of yourself for releasing this ****. If i performed to this level in my job i would be sacked!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can we have exact dates when you will release a patch to fix the issues.....?????????????

All we seem to hear are apologies and no action!!!!!!!!!

Hi everyone,

We've been noticing some complaints about not being in touch with the community in regards to current issues with Crysis 2 and the purpose of this thread is to assure that we are working hard on resolving these issues as quickly as possible.

The reason it appears as though we're not keeping in touch is we reply to 1 thread and another 50 threads get put up straight afterwards. It is not humanly possible for us to post in even half of the threads that are being created, let alone most/all of them. To give an indication on how quickly threads are buried, this forum was created 4 days ago and there's now 1600+ threads and 12000+ posts. This amount of activity is great but it makes it difficult to communicate everything without having 20 stickies in each forum.

Please remain patient while we resolve these issues, we know a lot of you are very eager to jump in and play some games and we don't want to stop you from doing that at all. As soon as we've got any information we'll let you know via announcements, as always.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:07 pm

WE (pc game enthusiast) build uber rigs with our hard earned cash. We gravitate towards developers that understand this, Horner our investment and support our communities.

Lmao... That is all I have to say.

This by far is one of the most immature post I've seen on a gaming forum to date. I mean.... I'm not happy with the game either bro.... but ****..... your acting as if your attempting to have a civil conversation with the man that murdered your grandmother...... lmao.... and guess what..... Crytek didn't murder your grandmother. lol. Neither did Crysis 2 or the profit. haha.

I'm so sick of this "real gamer" PC vs. Console **** also.
I've been playing PC games for hell of a long time.... but guess what... I ALSO OWN AN XBOX. Ya know why? Because games are **** fun no matter what system your using.... They don't make or break life....

Seriously you "PC Game Enthusiasts" give us "PC GAMERS" a bad name.

Your still living like your in middle school picking on the kid wearing a Bugle Boy shirt, because your wearing Hollister. When it comes down to it though.... a shirt, is a god damn shirt.... just as a video game, is a **** video game...

So here's a bit of a tip.

Grow the **** up

If your a little kid..... then I guess I somewhat understand. But judging by the context of your post, you are far beyond a little kid. Little kids don't write that well. Not that you write like a NY Times journalist by any means, but you write beyond the level of a child.

Oh and one more thing before I go.........

When I left for work this morning, your mom told me to tell you to clean up your room in the basemant.

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Lucky Girl
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:46 am

This by far is one of the most immature post I've seen on a gaming forum to date. I mean.... I'm not happy with the game either bro.... but ****..... your acting as if your attempting to have a civil conversation with the man that murdered your grandmother...... lmao.... and guess what..... Crytek didn't murder your grandmother. lol. Neither did Crysis 2 or the profit. haha.

I am glad that you find humor in this.

Crytek did murder something I really cared about and showed the rest of the community that it is expectable to do so for profit (no pun intended.)

The fact that you don’t care as must about it as I do does not in any way negate its effect.
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Laura-Lee Gerwing
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:37 am

I have a problem with Disconnecting in the midle of the game... I have Disconnect and i have too log in again
Connection with session interrupted you came out of the network
In the console says that "Session Delete error 0"
OR " UserGetPurchaseHistory ERROR 28"
There will be a FIX????
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Laura Mclean
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:45 am

im with locknar
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Jeneene Hunte
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:33 am

Yeah I was just disconnected from a lobby like 3-4 times already.

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:45 am

I'm very unhappy... 'Cause of 2 reasons:

1. Crysis 2 is different than Crysis Wars... I love Power Struggle!


2. YOU. You forum users thinking you can blame the Crysis team for everything. The bad weather, the different wars around the world and so on. Using words like "****", "****" and combinations of them. Now I understand why all video game developers around the world are turning their back to us PC gamers. Most posts I read in XBox or PS 3 forums have much less "f" words...

There were, of course, also several good posts, but to find them in such a large number of **** is impossible!!

One example for a good post, on page 10, after countless s*(?

This took a while to type and nobody has mentioned it for several posts... but I must comment on the ridiculous number of people and their DX11/multi GPU concerns. People who are most concerned with DX11 and multi-GPU support should be adjusting their priorities. There are far worse issues that needs Crytek's attention first.


core game mechanics that need tweaking, the ability to properly play multiplayer, the annoying feeling when you unlock a new toy only to get deranked and lose the ability to modify your class since technically that gun or attachment is no longer available, the overall security of the game cuz if in fact pirated copies are playing legit servers well that's just bad, the gameplay and kill cam being completely off in terms of showing ~what really happened in the gun fight~, hit detection with certain objects so bad sometimes that bullets are stopped in thin air because a light pole is a foot to the right of a clear and open shot yet the poles collision box is still somehow in the way, the fact that some dude has like 30 minutes played and found a way to rank 50 on the leaderboards which most certainly isn't legit, the weird Jackal shotgun glitch where if you are aiming down the sights and auto-reload kicks in the gun gets "stuck" for about 2 seconds before the reload actually takes place, the annoyance of cloak not breaking properly when the cloaked player is shot which often results in people being able to shoot you repeatedly while still invisible and you're thinking WTF then the kill cam shows they ACTUALLY switched to armor mode before firing which explains why they were so hard to kill but on YOUR screen they were still invisible (that's a fun one likely due to server side lag), the unsatisfactory performance of the Marshall pump shottie because even though it has the same "range" as the Jackal it's effective range is noticeably less because the semi-auto shotgun is.. more accurate, really? meaning less spread over a given distance which results in more pellets actually hitting the target so despite the fact the Marshall has a higher damage value the Jackal single shot at 10 feet is superior to the Marshall at 10 feet and since the Jackal shoots 3-4x as fast it begs the question why is the Jackal unlocked before the Marshall if it's the stronger gun, the annoying sound bug that can occur in menu's and lobbies where the music plays 2-3 times over itself making ears bleed world wide, the complete and total lack of cake even though many of us were promised cake.

And yet a lot of people are most concerned with how pretty it is.... Take a step back and be honest with yourself - What if they never said DX11 would be in the game? 98% of you would've still bought it. I personally love the newest tech whether I can afford it or not, but my decision to buy a game is never based on how pretty it is. My enjoyment of a game (and most peoples) is not supported by how pretty it is either. I didn't see a trailer for Battlefield 3 and decide "man it's like battlefield.. but it's prettier than the older games so I must get it". You know.. I'm lying.. the last time I lost a round of Crysis 2 the first thing I thought was "Dammit if only those brick walls were tessellated with displacement maps I would've won". While you DX11 SLI qq'ers are waiting for them to fix the game, you should move to NYC and buy a Ferrari. Then I want you go complain to the mayor that there's no room to drive it faster than 20 mph. Don't bother complaining about crime or taxes or $11 packs of cigarettes that you can't smoke anywhere. Just cry about your Ferrari. Then I want you to move to Florida, so I can punch you in the duodenum.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:44 am

pretty arrogant bro. people dont live like you live. people arent just like you. BUT when you buy "high quality" high priced food at a resturant you expect a good meal. and what happens when you get ****? you complain. how can you sit there on your high horse and bich ABOUT people biching while at the same time admiting to becoming a lazy console gamer. pc games have always set themselves apart. but when you stop making pc games and start porting console games to the pc platform, people are gonna notice, and people are gonna be pissed.

tl;dr stfu you arrogant prick and go skiing instead of arguing with mad kids that wasted their hard-earned/stolen/saved money.
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Danny Warner
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:16 am

^ reply to:
There are so many trolls (or just assholes) on this thread that it makes me sick to the stomach. None of you that are raging (or writing essays) on how much you despise Cry-Adam/Crytek/EA even deserve to be playing Crysis 2 right now. You should all have your precious rigs smashed with a hammer and thrown out.
And you should throw your console out.

I was a PC gamer for years, and only bought a 360 this recent October. You know what? It's better. I just plug my game in and play. I no longer have to worry about tweaking silly settings, installing patches/fixes/configs, or about going onto forums and sorting through posts like yours before I find an answer to my problem(s). Sure, I still enjoy gaming on the PC (why else would I buy Crysis 2 for it?), but the community tends to be filled with ass-clowns that seem to have their dike glued to their $1500 rig, which was usually paid for by their parents.

I mean, seriously - the game hasn't been out for a week and people are going ape-**** crazy all over this blasted forum about how their game isn't working. Big **** deal! It's just a game. I went out downhill skiing today, then went to see a play, then came back and saw that you people are still here biching about some stupid server issues and whatnot. Go out and enjoy life for a week while all of these issues are fixed, then come back and enjoy your game. It's ridiculous how immature some of these people are.
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James Baldwin
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:42 am

The biggest problem are the ranked servers, because they don't starting!
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Penny Flame
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:07 am

i cant get into multiplayer
it says : networking problem.. whats wrong??..
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Victor Oropeza
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:35 am

I'll just say it again for giggles.

It's the weekend. They aren't going to reply to anything Save maybe Adam and the other Admins. It takes time to find what's causing the bug. Then you need to implement a fix and then Test it. that also takes time. During a work week.

Come on folks. It's a game. ONLY a game. sure it's *GASP*! $60!! (over 9000??!!??) I mean really guys. You spend about the same going to a movie with your significant other these days. If not, you spend that much in a week at McDonalds.

I've been slowly working my way through the single campaign and it's a blast. the vertical stuff is great although most of the fighting is on a horizontal plain. Still a lot of Fun.
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Vickey Martinez
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:50 am

pretty arrogant bro. people dont live like you live. people arent just like you. BUT when you buy "high quality" high priced food at a resturant you expect a good meal. and what happens when you get ****? you complain. how can you sit there on your high horse and bich ABOUT people biching while at the same time admiting to becoming a lazy console gamer. pc games have always set themselves apart. but when you stop making pc games and start porting console games to the pc platform, people are gonna notice, and people are gonna be pissed.

tl;dr stfu you arrogant prick and go skiing instead of arguing with mad kids that wasted their hard-earned/stolen/saved money.
Nope, he means, that you shouldn't say things like "bich, **** and ****". Of course it's Crytek's fault for not having the issues fixxed, but you shouldn't be so impatient! Yes, you bought the game, yes, you are allowed not to like the issues, but you can say that in a friendly way. You know, Crytek didn't fix the issues yet, but they are developing the game! You only see Crytek as "Mimimi, they put too much salt in my tasty soup!", but you know, Crytek created the tasty soup! You only taste the salt. :-/

They will hear what you have to say, if you say it in a constructive way.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:55 pm

I don't know if this is the place to post issues, but I'm going to anyway. This post will probably contain spoilers for general people reading it.

I've played about 2 hours of the SP and 5 hours of the MP and I've encountered a few bugs which should be fixed.

Apart from the big one like the MP servers constantly getting stuck at the lobby, I've also found smaller issues.

For instance, in the Road Rage level, I was sporadically not able to melee during combat for a reason not aparrent to me. I would hit the button repeatedly but it would not respond. Note that this was not at a time where gun fire was not permitted, so I am sure this is a glitch.

I also had an issue after the spire thing comes through the building while you're in the chopper which goes down. After the suit rebooted etc and I was given back control, the gun model (I believe i was using a SCARAB) did not appear in my hand although I was still able to fire and reload it, and Alcatraz's hand was as it would be if he were holding the gun. After this in the same spot I also had other aiming issues although Idon't know if this was intended given the state of Alcatraz/the suit.

I have had an issue while using the laser site on the Scar, it would not aim down sites, it would aim down the side of the gun. If this is intentional (I doubt it) then wtf?

AI is really good but seems to go to sleep at times. At other times it knows where you are when it shouldn't, or shoots through objects at you when it can't possibly see you (like it did in Far Cry shooting through the tents which you never fixed!!!!). This happens all over the place and I assume you must be aware of this. I'm talking about the human AI specifically here, haven't really gotten up to many aliens yet. Sometimes if you de cloak say 100m away from an enemy but behind it it will somehow realise you are there. Please fix this as this is a major hindrance to the gameplay!

Other things which I'd like to see changed are the kill limit in TIA which is way too low for some of the smaller maps, and the spawn system in mulitplayer is too agressive at the start of the game particularly. You should take a leaf out of the Call of Duty book and spawn each team at opposite ends of the map, or at the least don't spawn people on opposing teams within 20m of each other at least.
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Adam Porter
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:34 pm

This is just a little tip but. Who the hell came up with the idea that two guys should moderate an entire forum? That is so f*cking brainless that my dinosaur rolls over and die in laughter. Like c'mon, seriously. Bring in some of the more senior members to join the staff so **** can get done here!
That way we CAN actually come in contact with the staff.

That was just a tip. BUT IT WOULD HELP A LOT!!
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Nathan Hunter
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:10 am

Please fix the single player bugs because i like the story of the game and the gameplay , the bugs just get in the way at times or spoil a good moment. Fix what you can And thats will be great :).
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:08 am

I trust that non of us is the 1st time buy a game.. Now aday which game come with no bugs?
If u want to buy a game earlier or preorder it just prepare be one of the victim.. If u don't want to
Be the victim just check review and consider want to buy it or not.. And they don't want to make
A game with bugs obviously..just give crytek a moment to fix their bugs.. We can wait for years but
you can't wait for days?=\ and stop being like a yelling wolf because those are not helping.. At all
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luis dejesus
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:32 am

Please fix this single player issue i have, i Can't get past the objective rejoin chino at central station: regroup at the vehicles because it glitches i go to the vehicles and nothing happens just stand there waiting. These are some of the bugs that are game breakers and stop me from finishing the game :(. Let the patch fix such .
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James Rhead
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:44 am

Another day has passed without playing for that to which we paid ...
Cmon Crytec ... cmon what did you say, there is only few bug to fix ...
Why not for once try to make serious as those that work well?
There are games with daily updates. Not expected this, but complained to play. It's so hard to understean ?

ps. we are 81 pages on the forum for "few" bug ... is certain that the PC users at this point are all noob
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:49 pm

My MP progress (lvl) doesnt save...
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:31 am

Day 3 of not being able to play the game. Bought it on launch day hoping I could game all weekend.. Now I had to spend time with the missus instead... and that's all your fault
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Kerri Lee
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:12 am

Day 3 of not being able to play the game. Bought it on launch day hoping I could game all weekend.. Now I had to spend time with the missus instead... and that's all your fault

I lol'ed hard :)
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Jessica Nash
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:58 am

I trust that non of us is the 1st time buy a game.. Now aday which game come with no bugs?
If u want to buy a game earlier or preorder it just prepare be one of the victim.. If u don't want to
Be the victim just check review and consider want to buy it or not.. And they don't want to make
A game with bugs obviously..just give crytek a moment to fix their bugs.. We can wait for years but
you can't wait for days?=\ and stop being like a yelling wolf because those are not helping.. At all

Question: which game did you buy nowadays and the multiplayer wasn't working?
Which game did you buy nowadays and most of the multiplayer server were nothing but chatrooms?
C'mon, don't be a pvssy, they **** up, no need to protect them. Give them something to think, or else you'll get the same disaster in Crysis 3, or in any other pc game, 'cause they'll think they can treat customers like that.

Got it?
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