» Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:01 am
Nope, he means, that you shouldn't say things like "bich, **** and ****". Of course it's Crytek's fault for not having the issues fixxed, but you shouldn't be so impatient! Yes, you bought the game, yes, you are allowed not to like the issues, but you can say that in a friendly way. You know, Crytek didn't fix the issues yet, but they are developing the game! You only see Crytek as "Mimimi, they put too much salt in my tasty soup!", but you know, Crytek created the tasty soup! You only taste the salt. :-/
They will hear what you have to say, if you say it in a constructive way.
dude, but honestly, comon, dude, comon, you gotta admit, they released an incomplete pc game. "patches" are made to fix small errors missed in the testing process. they arent made to finish a game after its release. expectations were not met, features previously bragged about seemingly nowhere with no info, large minority of players cannot even play the damn game! if you buy a game and CAN NOT play it, somethings wrong. lets stop being pc and nice and see this as it is. its kind of a scam dude.
Grougaloragran is right and you, mechabakatama, just show that you haven't understood a word!
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Do you understand now? Using in one post 20 times "****", or "****" or comparable stuff, won't solve the problem,
but just shows that you cannot explain yourself in a good manner...
So, now, you can again bich about me or this post.