» Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:55 am
Can you imagine what would happen if some company like BMW for example, release the car which some times starts and sometimes do not?
We - the players are not some mindless people and we deserve respect.
I expect from game, which I am buying that I will be able to play it, the same as I expect that car, which I am buying will be able to start after I buy it.
Microsoft released windows 98ME, and Vista... so having issues on launch isnt anything new, get over it.
WTF?? respect? you sound like an abused girlfriend... stop using forums to cry on... this is effecting you too much!
LMAO! I love these replies. Anyone who tells someone to get a girlfriend on a gaming forum obviously is the one who needs to find one. Your on a gaming forum dude. Do you honestly think you will be perceived as the cool kid by calling someone out over a girlfriend? Seriously? People like you are just low. Plain and simple. But you do give me a good laugh that's for sure. Why anyone would actually make that statement on a GAMING forum is beyond me. It's like calling someone retarded in a mentally challenged class. Your still in the class with those people so your in a sense just making yourself inferior by the act itself.
Woaah people relax! You all keep blaming the Crytek team like its all their fault.
You think they want to kill a game they worked so hard on all this time?
As a game design student I know how hard it is to fix bugs in games, and that a massive part of game development is bug fixing. There will have been a **** load of bugs in this game you guys will never know about because they spent so long ironing them out.
The reason these bugs are left in is most likely the publisher not Crytek. They probably pushed for a premature release which I'm sure Crytek didn't want.
The publisher want to get the game out quick to make money, and to shut up the rants of the game fans who want it now now now all the time.
I'm as frustrated as you lot but, seriously , send it to the publishers not Crytek, the longer Crytek spend replying to you, the less time they spend fixing.
Actually not true. All gaming companies have dedicated employees who are in charge of their customers. Those employees don't touch the code at all. They are dedicated to making sure the customers get the service that they expect. So no they are not wasting any time. Learn about the industry before you start spewing non sense. You should already know this if your a game student. Hell I know this and I haven't even gotten that far yet. I don't start my first year of game design till next year.
We've been noticing some complaints about not being in touch with the community in regards to current issues with Crysis 2 and the purpose of this thread is to assure that we are working hard on resolving these issues as quickly as possible.
I'm glad to hear that Crytek staff are at least noticing the complaints, but so far we haven't seen anything from you regarding fixes.
The players who took part in the beta and demo, are seeing the exact same issues in the final (+ patch) version. To me that means you haven't actually fixed any of these issues in the last 2-3 months.
It seems the only hard work you've all been doing is watching the sales come in.
The reason it appears as though we're not keeping in touch is...
Thats a lame ass excuse and you know it.
It's not the players fault that nobody from Crytek has setup a bug reporting system.
The majority of your customers are extremely annoyed with all the faults in the game, many still cannot even login, and so far you have done next to nothing about it.
It doesn't even seem like you guys are doing anything to actually fix faults, and by keeping a low profile (almost avoiding the forums here and Steam forums) it seems you don't care about your current customers, you all must be just counting the $$$ coming in.
At the very least create a stickied thread with a list of all known issues, and let your players add to the list.
Then prioritize that list having login issues, connection issues at the top.
Then get your developers to fix the highest priority issues until there are none left and then get them working on other issues like ranked servers not starting.
Also between yourselves and your server providers fix the servers, so they are more stable.
All known issues are stickied. It's on the home page as a picture box and it's on the forums. I'm not defending crytek but maybe you should take the effort to read instead of just assuming. While they haven't exactly been updating us every day. They have at least done the bare minimum of sticking a topic up with all the known issues.