» Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:01 pm
This took a while to type and nobody has mentioned it for several posts... but I must comment on the ridiculous number of people and their DX11/multi GPU concerns. People who are most concerned with DX11 and multi-GPU support should be adjusting their priorities. There are far worse issues that needs Crytek's attention first.
core game mechanics that need tweaking, the ability to properly play multiplayer, the annoying feeling when you unlock a new toy only to get deranked and lose the ability to modify your class since technically that gun or attachment is no longer available, the overall security of the game cuz if in fact pirated copies are playing legit servers well that's just bad, the gameplay and kill cam being completely off in terms of showing ~what really happened in the gun fight~, hit detection with certain objects so bad sometimes that bullets are stopped in thin air because a light pole is a foot to the right of a clear and open shot yet the poles collision box is still somehow in the way, the fact that some dude has like 30 minutes played and found a way to rank 50 on the leaderboards which most certainly isn't legit, the weird Jackal shotgun glitch where if you are aiming down the sights and auto-reload kicks in the gun gets "stuck" for about 2 seconds before the reload actually takes place, the annoyance of cloak not breaking properly when the cloaked player is shot which often results in people being able to shoot you repeatedly while still invisible and you're thinking WTF then the kill cam shows they ACTUALLY switched to armor mode before firing which explains why they were so hard to kill but on YOUR screen they were still invisible (that's a fun one likely due to server side lag), the unsatisfactory performance of the Marshall pump shottie because even though it has the same "range" as the Jackal it's effective range is noticeably less because the semi-auto shotgun is.. more accurate, really? meaning less spread over a given distance which results in more pellets actually hitting the target so despite the fact the Marshall has a higher damage value the Jackal single shot at 10 feet is superior to the Marshall at 10 feet and since the Jackal shoots 3-4x as fast it begs the question why is the Jackal unlocked before the Marshall if it's the stronger gun, the annoying sound bug that can occur in menu's and lobbies where the music plays 2-3 times over itself making ears bleed world wide, the complete and total lack of cake even though many of us were promised cake.
And yet a lot of people are most concerned with how pretty it is.... Take a step back and be honest with yourself - What if they never said DX11 would be in the game? 98% of you would've still bought it. I personally love the newest tech whether I can afford it or not, but my decision to buy a game is never based on how pretty it is. My enjoyment of a game (and most peoples) is not supported by how pretty it is either. I didn't see a trailer for Battlefield 3 and decide "man it's like battlefield.. but it's prettier than the older games so I must get it". You know.. I'm lying.. the last time I lost a round of Crysis 2 the first thing I thought was "Dammit if only those brick walls were tessellated with displacement maps I would've won". While you DX11 SLI qq'ers are waiting for them to fix the game, you should move to NYC and buy a Ferrari. Then I want you go complain to the mayor that there's no room to drive it faster than 20 mph. Don't bother complaining about crime or taxes or $11 packs of cigarettes that you can't smoke anywhere. Just cry about your Ferrari. Then I want you to move to Florida, so I can punch you in the duodenum.