I would like to list here all issues bugs, errors I have encountered so far please feel free to add your findings:
- AA - not working at all does not matter what option you select. Edges are ugly.
- FPS spikes encountered: when there are glass windows anywhere on screen, if moving out from the area FPS increases again. It seems to be connected to certain effects and/or physics >> similar to rope issue.
- Negative ammo with Scar and other Scar type weapons (dont know how it happened and encountered all through out the game eversince it happened. when picking up a different Scar ammo changes to infinite, when trying to shoot "out of ammo" message appears. Does not apply for all weapons, Typhoon, bow seem to work as intended.
- Not sure if this one is bug or intended but there is overammo usage for some weapons, meaninig you are shooting but not one projectile rather random numbers. Weapons like the very first alien weapon you find in game or typhoon.
- Killing Cell soldiers make them sometimes jump up high in the air then fall. ( Death animation glitch?)
These are so far I found please add new ones so Crytek can focus on major issues. Havenot tried MP yet so cannot comment on that one.